On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 07:03:25 -0800 (PST), JS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Gilberto,
> Hope I wasn't disrespectful in this exchange, because that is not what I
> meant to do.  By breaking down what you said sentence by sentence I hoped
> that I'd be able show you where my logical conclusion breaks from what you
> are saying.

That's totally fine. I don't see why being specific and clear would be
offensive. Feel free to be specific and clear at all times. :)

> G: I've been trying to be very specific in my claims and many people in
> here seem to stubbornly refuse to see what I'm talking about.
> J: What you are saying seems to be missing the point and > is irrelevant.

As far as I can tell, this whole thing started because I was drawing a
distinction between Christianity and Islam and Bahais seem to be
refusing to recognize that difference.

>From my perspective, pointing out OTHER UNRELATED ways in which
Christianity and Islam might still seem more analagous is very much
besides the point.

> G: It is possible to make well-defined distinctions between what
> Christianity
> teaches about future prophets, and what Islam teaches about future
> prophets. 

> J: Both religions believe their Book is the Last. 

There is no clear statement from the Christian side which says no more
prophets are coming and no more books. And within many different
Christian groups the idea that the Holy Spirit still communicates with
people and God gives specific messages to believers is much much more
prominent than in Islam.

> Even the Pope's writings
> neither change the content of, nor add to, the Bible.

I never said they did. But in the Catholic Church it is possible for
God to communicate new messages for specific people or groups of
people. Look at the Secret of Fatima.

> G:  Bahais might have an interest in conflating the two and not making that
> distinction but to me it is clearly there.
> J: There are clearly many distinction between Islam and Christianity, but
> they both reject additions to their Books, and reject new Books that
> override them.

Again, I never said that they didn't. 

> G:  The largest Christian group, namely the Catholic Church clearly and
> explicitly says that individuals can receive private revelation.
J: How does private revelation impact the Eternal nature of > the
Bible to Christians?

Please stop being hung up about the idea of changing the Bible. Even
Bahais don't go and change the Bible.

> G:  Some of these revelations have been written down.
> G: Some of these might even be highly regarded by many in the Catholic
> Church.

> G: The Message of Fatima would be a really good example.

> J: It is not any different from the messages that Sufi saints or other
> Islamic religious leaders' writings. 

Have you READ any of the message of Fatima?

> G: In Islam, under at least one conception, a "prophet" is anyone who
> receives revelation.

> J: But you still have not shown that Christianity does not believe in the
> Finality of the Bible.  Why bring up Islam??

This whole conversation is about a comparison between Islam and Christianity.

Look. I don't think you (or most of the people who have been
responding to me really understand what I'm trying to say. I've been
trying to say it over and over again in different words to no avail.
How about this. Why don't YOU tell ME in your own words, what YOU
think I'm trying to say??



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