On 10/10/05, Hajir Moghaddam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > If a Bahai is saying that the laws of Islam are not applicable and are out
> of date then it is on some level disparaging to what Muslims believe. But
> Bahais seldom
> acknowledge the fact that it is disparaging. That's all I'm saying.

> Okay, even though I have not thought this through yet, I will take your word
> for it.  So if the Baha'i belief in the inapplicability of the Islam law to
> our day is disparaging, why isn't the Muslim belief that the true Gospel is
> lost disparaging as well (since Christians believe in the validity of their
> Gospel)?

On some level, I would have to admit that my beliefs about the Bible
*are* disparaging. I'm very critical of certain parts of the Bible.
There are certain teachings which I think are actually immoral. Not
just for modern-times but pretty much for all times.

In spite of that, I think Christians can be good people. I think
Christians can be "saved" without necessarily becoming "Muslim". I
think God judges the quality of a persons heart and what their
intentions are, and judges what opportunities they had. I would be
open about disagreeing with certain Christian doctrines, but I don't
think that means I look down on Christians or say they have a less
developed religion than I do.



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