But in the case of Christianity, there was significant disagreement
about what the words of Jesus even were... [evidence for disagreement]
In the case of Islam, even sunnis and shias have the same Quran, and
the Quran is intact.
So again, the kinds of problems I'm talking about within Christianity
are very very different from the relatively minor technical
differences which might exist among Islamic rulings.
Gilberto, I think this is your most important point, and it is a very well thought out point that seems to me to be pretty convincing.  And I like how you didn't capitalize your S's to point out how minor the differences between Shia and Sunnis are... But I hope one day more Muslims in your community will feel this way, and God Willing then we will see a transformation in the Muslim society.
Yet, what I cannot understand is what would happen if we turned the clocks back to the time before the prophethood of Muhammad, the time to which Muhammad refers in His call to the followers of the Gospel as "The People of the Book".
How can they be the People of the Book if their Book was really not among them?
How can the people be expected to be guided by a Book that doesn't exist, by a God who is Just?  Since the time of the birth of the human race, God sent prophets to the people, and each Messenger was sent with a Book, according to the Glorious Qur'an.  How is it that God's Book was continually lost?  Are we humans that forgetful?  What makes the Muslims of Arabia so much different from all the other peoples of the world that they were the only exception to this throughout all of history?
May God's breeze continue to blow over us, for His guidance is never ending.

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