On 10/11/05, Hajir Moghaddam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Muslims have the Quran (which was spoken by Muhammad) and have volumes of
> hadith (which are an extensive detailed record of what Muhammad said and did
> on
> different occasions). So Muslims have more extensive, more direct
> information about what Muhammad said and did and taught than
> Christians have about what Jesus said, and did, and taught.
> And so Muslims can be more confident that Islam represents Muhammad's
> teachings than Christians can be that "Christianity" represents Jesus'
> teachings.<
> Before I respond, let me be clear that I would like Baha'is on this list to
> speak up if the content of my emails have traces of contention and
> argumentation.  Since this is categorically forbidden by Baha'u'llah, it
> would not be right to argue FOR Baha'u'llah in a manner that is really
> against the spirit of Baha'u'llah.
> Now, to our friend Gilberto's comment above, from whom I'm learning a lot:

> Do you know that Baha'u'llah revealed 16,000 Tablets and Books over the
> course of His ministry?

I've heard things along these lines before.
[other facts ommitted]

> So if extensiveness of the Qur'an is a
> criteria, then the authority of the
> Revelation of Baha'u'llah is
> unquestionable.

You have to be careful about what fact proves what claim.

> I am only saying this in response to your comparison of the extensiveness of
> the words of Muhammad versus the words of Jesus.

> Using your own logic, Baha'is would be confident that they have a better
> understanding of the teaching of Muhammad than Muslims themselves do.

No. Not at all. What you might be able to say is that Bahais can be
more confident that they have a better understanding of what Bahaullah
taught than Muslims have of what Muhammad taught.

And that might actually be true. But that doesn't make Bahaullah correct.

I was only trying to respond to the earlier claim.

Muslims can claim to have a good understanding of what Muhammad
taught. We have good deal of access to his words. More direct than
Christians do.

So then when I look back at the New Testament and read about early
Christianity it seems very plausible to me that the authentic form of
Christianity is one which was actually very similar to Islam in
several respects.



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