On 10/27/05, Scott Saylors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gilberto Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > In Biblical and in modern terms, killing all the men, taking the women as
> > concubines and wives and raising the children as members of the conquering
> > tribe, certainly matches the definition for genocide.

> I'm finding myself having less and less positive feelings about the
> conversation and where you seem to be pushing the conversation.
> Islamic rules for warfare strove to protect non-combatants and to
> allow the conflict to de-escalate. The Biblical OT rules simply did
> not do that. That is a real difference. You may think it is a small
> difference. I don't.

> No need to take it personally, Gilberto. You didn't do any of it.

No, I'm not taking it personally. I know I didn't do it. But style of
your (collectively, not individually) seems like it is yet another
example of how on the one hand Bahais claim to affirm Islam, while at
the same time try to delegitimize it.

If Banu Qurayzah was under Muhammad's (saaws) "watch" and you believe
Muhamad was a Manifestation of God, then even if the religion of Islam
never existed, Bahais should have to come to terms with explaining the
ethics and morality of such an action. But that's not the route Bahais
take. Instead Bahais tend to argue that it was under a different law
and a different situation, as if the moral value of a human life was
different now and then.

> I agree that the jurisprudence of the affair was probably according to the
> laws of the tribes. However, I notice that when discussing these things it
> is a tendency for you to put things in modern terms.

I honestly don't know what you are talking about. Could you be more
precise about what you are trying to say?

> And in modern terms
> there is no difference between the fate of the rebelling tribe in that
> instance and the fate of the rebelling tribe of Bosnians at the hands of
> Serbians.

You are mixing apples and oranges.


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