No, I'm not taking it personally. I know I didn't do it. But style of
your (collectively, not individually) seems like it is yet another
example of how on the one hand Bahais claim to affirm Islam, while at
the same time try to delegitimize it.
Gilberto, you're not getting the point. 
We are drawing a comparison between the verses in Deuteronomy and the Qur'an. 
It is amazing that you are okay about making Christians look bad, but when there are similar verses it the Qur'an, you are quick to 'interpret' it away. 
We are actually not degrading the Qur'an or deligitimizing it by bring up the point. 
We are try to help you reanalyze Deuteronomy so you can reinterpret it in a good light. 
Though Baha'is have our own Book, we still interpret the writings in all Holy Books in a positive light.  It is unfortunate that your brand of Islam cannot do that, it seems like you are intimidated by the other Holy Books.  There is nothing to be afraid of, you can make positive statements about the Bible without undermining the Qur'an.

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