In Afghanistan the courts of shar'iah routinely sentenced people to be stoned to death.
Is this an appropriate sentence to this day and age?
Less than fifty years ago a Saudi court ordered the beheading of a princess of the Royal house for adultery. Was this an appropriate sentence in this day and age?
An Egyptian scholar was declared apostate and ordered to divorce his wife. They chose to leave the country in the middle of the night and seek asylum in the Netherlands. Was that an appropriate sentence in this day and age?
Everyday and in every way the courts of shariah try to stretch and twist the fabric of Muhammed's code of laws to fit situations it was never designed for. More and more this effort fails. Why? Because times and civilization change. Values and moral imperatives change. People change.

Gilberto Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 10/27/05, Scott Saylors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> Gilberto Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> On 10/27/05, Scott Saylors wrote:

> > Dear Gilberto,
> > No verse of the Qur'an says it, but a nine year old girl is an adult by
> the standards of the hadith,

> Scott, I think you need to slow down. I think you are misunderstanding
> the issue and misspeaking.

> > In 1980 an Iranian court hung a seventeen year old girl, she was arrested
> > when she was sixteen. Is that sufficiently old? Her crime was teaching the
> > Baha`i faith to Baha`i children.

> So are you assuming that everything the Iranian government does in the
> name of Islam, is actually Islamic? Is everything that Western
> governments do in the name of d! emocracy, actually democratic?

> The United States isn't a democracy, it is a representative republic. But
> that is a red-herring.

The US government certainly calls itself a democracy and claims to
promote democratic values. But you are saying the United States isn't
a democracy.

By the same token, there are Muslim governments out there which call
their various actions and policies "Islamic" that doesn't mean they

It was a court acting on what they considered to be
> Islamic law.

Sure. But a different "Islamic" court might make a different decision.
Just because they call themselves "Islamic" doesn't it make it that



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