Gilberto Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 10/27/05, Scott Saylors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Dear Gilberto,
> No verse of the Qur'an says it, but a nine year old girl is an adult by the
> standards of the hadith,

Scott, I think you need to slow down. I think you are misunderstanding
the issue and misspeaking.

> In 1980 an Iranian court hung a seventeen year old girl, she was arrested
> when she was sixteen. Is that sufficiently old? Her crime was teaching the
> Baha`i faith to Baha`i children.

So are you assuming that everything the Iranian government does in the
name of Islam, is actually Islamic? Is everything that Western
governments do in the name of democracy, actually democratic?





Dear Gilberto,

The United States isn't a democracy, it is a representative republic. But that is a red-herring. It was a court acting on what they considered to be Islamic law. They hung a young woman at seventeen years of age. They arrested her at 16. Then they wrapped themselves in the shariah and said it was a legal act.


I do not hold Muhammed responsible for the act. I do not even think that reasonable Islamic jurists would accept the reasoning of the court, but part of the logic behind the sentence and execution was that she was a mature adult under Islamic law, and Islamic tradition about Aisha was part of the precedent involved.


If the court had stuck to the Qur'an they would have been forced to judge that there should be no compulsion in religion and they would have followed Muhammed's law.

At least part of the problem is that those governments who try to act under the shariah are trying to make rational jurisprudence on law that is no longer appropriate to the this day and age and this world community.


The shar'iah is outdated and no longer valid; but Muhammed is still n APostle of God, the Seal of the Prophets and the Qur'an is still the word of God. Its social laws are no longer the proper guidance for today's society.


And this is a good example of how moral and social values evolve.




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Arnold J. Toynbee
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