dear susan,
   what we have, as noted, are notesd taken by
Notes by Joseph H. Hannen

        (Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 411)
it's my dim recall that the Master didn't work off prepared speeches,
but did improv based on...well, being the Master.
   marleen notes, quite reasonably,
    :"The Enlightenment is an incredibly rich historical period that I can
only superficially touch upon."
 yup. and the Master in a realtively small book, sDc, covers every advantage of 
a couple of centuries, and is likwise able to point out the problems that 
developed with it, and pointy ther entire argument into terms graspable by the 
persians at a notably low point in their history.
 i've read somwe large chunks of voltaire.
 imho the best take on him was done by terry southern.
 to further my own pov, imho a lot of what passes for a "rise infundamentalism" 
is a reaction in somje ears to the effects of a handful, growing but still 
small of people who can effectively stop a lot of sound and fury with the 4 
magic words, "show me the cite."
   i note that more than  a few posts into the current round, i am still 
missing a cite from the beloved Guardian actuallly saying whyat he was reported 
to say about all this science/reloigion stuff.
   i will more than cheerfuilly acknowledge that "show me the cite" removes one 
heckuva lotta drama and gamesmanship from ther joyous inellectual stroking that 
for so many years passed as deepening.
    it would seem that a discussion about science would use some principals of accurate observation and reportin g of data before massaging it 
to conclusions.

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