The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>  just arouse the emotions n feelings of the youth.but at the same time it 
> shows the complexities of legal issues that requires wisdom n reasoning, 
> referring to the articles of code,etc.I hope you cud realize what I mean.

Dear Shahram,

You keep talking about complex legal issues, but when we ask to see
the actual text of the laws in question here, you refuse to produce
them. Even a good journalist does that much! As the Universal Islamic
Declaration of Human Rights states:

"No act shall be considered a crime unless it is stipulated as such in
the clear wording of the Law."

Yet so far all you have produced is the wording of some akhund rather
than  the law itself.

>     here I add just fr yr info tt in Iran,according to legal procedure, 
> during the time of investigations,the accused persons are not allowed to 
> contact their solicitors.

These people have already been arrested. By that time the
investigation should already be complete, unless they were imprisoned
under false pretenses in the first place. There is therefore no excuse
to deny them access to an attorney.

>theymay also be kept detained if the judge n questioner prefer it.

Without access to attorney, how can they argue that they are being
wrongfully detained?

I know ,fm our >NDFs,that YARAN hv hd regular meetings
>  with their families.they hv good spirits.

They had one meeting recently, but I would hardly call those meetings regular.

>  what do you think about the behavior of the U.S. STAFF toward the accused
>  people in prisons Abu Ghorayb[baghdad],Guantanamo,etc?

I object to any violation of the Geneva Convention, but how is this
relevant to the matter at hand.

>  what about the Iranian diplomats arrested in Arbil of Iraq?

If you want my opinions on the war in Iraq and the way it has been
waged, you can find them elsewhere on the internet. As a historian of
the Middle East I have not been reticent to speak of this. But it is
not relevant to this list or the matter before us.

>  they are just examples to remind you of realities out of the books and 
> declarations.

The reality is that when the US violates the international law its
prestige suffers and when it protests against violations of human
rights no one takes it all that seriously. God willing, there will be
much less of this now. But it is no justification for Muslims to
ignore those principles of justice which we all know are right.

>     Apart from the above points,as I told in the previous posts the trial 
> procedure for the Bahai friends has been more or less normal in the past,
>  and we pray fr the future trial.

Nonsense. As I already pointed out, Baha'is have been executed not
only without trial but without members of the family being notified
until after the fact. They were *not* given access to counsel in most
cases and in many cases they were tortured. All of these things are
contrary to the Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights.

>  I hope you could realize my point of view that according to the teaching of 
> our faith we should not make ,even the slightest,opposition toward our
>  government

It has never been the Teaching of our Faith that we cannot protest the
persecution of Baha'is. We do not seek the overthrow of the
government, we seek nothing more than that it should uphold those
laws, principles and rights which it has articulated in its own

",especially here in Iran.I am sure that 100s of blog/sites who are
attacking the Iranian government,are making bad mistakes in this
regard .I wish that they are not Troy Horses for the enemies n

It is the treatment of the Baha'is itself which brings shame upon the
Iranian government, not the fact that we are protesting it. No one is
going to invade your country because Baha'is are being mistreated.
They are more concerned with questions of whether Iran should be
allowed to develop nuclear weapons. Baha'is have no interest in such

>  of our country.
>  furthermore,I had requested you to quote or refer to BAHAULLAL's word-as you 
> claimed- abt the limitation of teaching in israel.other discussed points are 
> clear.

Earlier you said you had a letter from the House of Justice indicated
something else. But in fact that letter clearly states:".in keeping
with a policy that has been strictly followed since the days of
Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'ís do not teach the Faith in Israel."

        (The Universal House of Justice, 1995 Jul 23, Teaching Israelis)

Obviously it was Palestine and not Israel at the time.

I'm still waiting for you to show me the text of a single law which
Baha'is have violated.


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