The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 3:05 PM, Iskandar Hai, M.D. <>wrote:

> It's a fairly longish article about the arrests and detentions without a
> charge, without any arraignment or trial of any sort. It also examines the
> current atomsphere of paranoia about espionage in Iran and the government's
> exploitation of that fear to suppress any and all dissents. The article
> explores some articles of the Iranian consitution, etc., etc., and it
> documents the anti-Baha'i campaign that has been going on for quite some
> time and gaining more momentum and crescendo.
I add a small note to the above comments for those not familiar with Mr.
Hamidi.  Hamid Hamidi is not a Baha'i and has no affiliation with the Baha'i
community.  Like so many enlightened Iranians, Mr. Hamidi has come to
recognize the wrongs, harms and injuries perpetrated against the Baha'is
over the last 160 years by a fanatical and degenerate Iranian society.

Now, like so many other Iranians, he's raising his informed voice in support
of the Baha'is.  Earlier today, I shared a note on translation of another
article by Mr. Hamidi posted on Iran Press Watch.  He's the sort of Iranian
that makes us proud.

Incidentally, a translation of his latest article (cited by Iskandar) will
appear on IPW soon.

Ahang Rabbani, PhD

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