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I believe that Susan is correct, there is a letter written on the Guardian's behalf that was published in US Baha'i News -- but Ocean does not include all of the years Baha'i News was published, and I don't have a copy handy. It was a letter addressed to, of all people, Rex King. My recollection of the language was that the Master in His Will could not possibly have provided for a conflict of authority, and that therefore the Hands could not over-ride the choice of successor the Guardian made.

This letter raises some interesting points, among them, the method of interpretation by the Guardian. I had always thought that infallible interpretation would mean, he would look at the words in the original language, and he would be inspired as to their meaning. But this letter shows that there is something beyond that -- he also looked to the overall subject. In this case, the authority granted to the Hands could not contravene the authority given to the Guardian. The House speaks of this same principle when it urges the friends to look for the "unity of meaning" in the Text. I've quoted that passage below, from a letter of the House. It has to do with the subject of the Guardian not being able to over-ride the decisions of the House of Justice.

This question about the nine hands not being able to veto the Guardian's choice of successor is, perhaps, an aspect of the other provisions in the Will stating that the Hands were under the direction of the Guardian, and also that all must turn to the Guardian. Also, when one thinks about it -- who are the Hands to decide who the next Guardian would be? Do they possess the insight to know who can be the standard of loyalty, who meets the moral criteria set by the Master? I agree that the Text looks plain and clear, that the Hands did have this authority. I also agree that the fact of secret ballot supports the view that they had the authority to veto the Guardian's choice of successor. However, the letter from Shoghi Effendi is clear, and states that the nine Hands could not override the Guardian's choice of successor.

I have written a piece on this subject, on my blog: then scroll down and look on the right for Observations on Shoghi Effendi not having written a will. It also addresses the question of what "in his lifetime" means, and it is my personal view that it means that he would designate his successor in his will, and show the will to the nine Hands during his lifetime; and that the purpose of all of this, including the assent by the nine hands, was to provide assurance of the integrity and authenticity of the Guardian's will, and remove all doubt as to who the rightful successor was.


"The first passage concerns the Guardian's duty to insist upon a reconsideration by his fellow-members in the Universal House of Justice of any enactment which he believes conflicts with the meaning and departs from the spirit of the Sacred Writings. The second passage concerns the infallibility of the Universal House of Justice without the Guardian, namely Shoghi Effendi's statement that "Without such an institution [the Guardianship] . . . the necessary guidance to define the sphere of the legislative action of its elected representatives would be totally withdrawn."

"Some of the youth, you indicate, were puzzled as to how to reconcile the former of these two passages with such statements letter addressed to a new believer as that in the Will of 'Abdu'l-Bahá which affirms that the Universal House of Justice is "freed from all error."

Just as the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá does not in any way contradict the Kitáb-i-Aqdas but, in the Guardian's words, "confirms, supplements, and correlates the provisions of the Aqdas," so the writings of the Guardian contradict neither the revealed Word nor the interpretations of the Master. In attempting to understand the Writings, therefore, one must first realize that there is and can be no real contradiction in them, and in the light of this we can confidently seek the unity of meaning which they contain." (Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1968-1973, p. 37; Messages 1963-1986, paragraphs 75.2, 75.3, 75.4, p. 156)

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