The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Why does LJ even still have followers? Wikipedia lists several prophecies he
> made that failed to materialize...

He lost a lot of followers as a result of these failed prophecies.
I've corresponded with several of them on the internet. Jensen's
proclivity to apocalyptic prophecies seems to have come from Mason
Remey, though Jensen and Neal Chase have carried it to extremes.
For instance there is a pamphlet published in March of 1962, entitled
"The Impending World Catastrophe." In this pamphlet Mason Remey is
said to foretell an impending shift in the earth's crust which would
cause a catastrophe. As I noted before, it is likely this prophecy was
based on Ruth Moffett's misunderstanding of a talk Abdu'l-Baha gave in
Egypt, but I think such prophecies became especially important to
Remey when he realized so few of the Baha'is would follow him. His
only hope at that time was for something apocalyptic to happen. In any
case, this catastrophe was predicted to occur "very soon." "It may
come at
any time after April, 1963." In another publication by the New Mexico
Remeyites it was stated:

"This global catastrophe will cause certain land areas of the Earth's
surface to rise above their present levels while others will disappear
below the newly formed seas. These inundations will result in the
annihilation of all human life in the submerged regions and this Death
and Destruction will be augmented by the sudden extreme changes in
temperature at the new Arctic and Antarctic areas. There will be other
attending conditions such as earthquakes, the opening up of volcanoes
and the crumbling-up of mountain ranges; - all of which, taken
together, make up a terrifying picture of the coming of the dreadful
day of The lord as prophesied in Holy Writ and which is now being
confirmed through scientific studies of these movements of the Earth's

"The fear that the end is near is spreading amongst the peoples of all
the world. those who seek physical safety at the high altitudes above
sea level will in all probability be safe from the inundations;
however, this does not guarantee that they will not suffer greatly. It
is prophesied that two-thirds of the people of the world will be

It was in response to  prophecies such as this that Leland Jensen
relocated to the mountains of Montana.

warmest, Susan

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