The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Is it even possible to be a second, third, fourth, etc. generation cb?
Excluded categories of people
Shoghi Effendi wrote to the National Spiritual Assembly of Canada in 1957:
“ People who have withdrawn from the Cause because they no longer feel that 
they can support its Teachings and Institutions sincerely, are not 
Covenant-breakers -- they are non-Bahá'ís and should just be treated as such. 
Only those who ally themselves actively with known enemies of the Faith who are 
Covenant-breakers, and who attack the Faith in the same spirit as these people, 
can be considered, themselves, to be Covenant-breakers.[3] ” 
Beyond this, many other relationships to the Bahá'í Faith exist, both positive 
and negative. Covenant-breaking does not apply to most of them. The following 
is a partial list of those who could not rightly be termed Covenant-breakers:
        * Members of other religions or no religion without any particular 
relationship to the Bahá'í Faith. 
        * Followers of Subh-i-Azal, Bahá'u'lláh's half-brother, who are known 
in modern times as Bayanis are often mistakenly referred to by this label. The 
appellation seems, however, misapplied. Since Covenant-breaking presumes that 
one has submitted oneself to a covenant and then broke it, and Bayanis never 
swore allegiance to Bahá'u'lláh, they cannot therefore be said to have broken 
his covenant. 
        * Bahá'ís who simply leave the religion. (see above) 
        * Bahá'ís who, in the estimation of the head of the religion have 
insufficiently understood the nature of the covenant from the start. These are 
sometimes "disenrolled" and are considered to have never actually been Bahá'ís, 
given their fundamental diversion from this core Bahá'í doctrine. 
        * External enemies of the Bahá'í Faith. 
If someone is born into a cb family or raised by cb parents, does that count as 
that person legitimetly being a cb?

From: Susan Maneck <>
To: Baha'i Studies <>
Sent: Tue, January 26, 2010 7:01:18 PM
Subject: Re: Sects

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> I wonder if Covenant-breaking sects convert Baha'i to their way of thinking
> or non-Baha'is or both? They seek to convert both, but who are most of them?

Dear Stephen,

Most Remeyite groups only manage to convert a handful of Baha'is and
hardly anybody else. The Jenseniites have been an exception in this
regard. Leland Jensen managed to use New Age networks like the Rainbow
Gatherings and connections with students at Montana State University
to build up a cult following. He lost most of that after the failed
prophecies of 1980, still I think it is fair to say that most of his
followers, including Neal Chase himself, were never Baha'is.

warmest, Susan

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