The Baha'i Studies Listserv
I have no comment to make, but there is a letter from Abdu'l-Baha to Jenaabi-Faadel-e Shiraazi, which says in part:

"You had asked about the twelfth Imam. Know thou that this perception did not originally exist in the physical world. The twelfth Imam existed in the Unseen realm, but had no reality on the material plane. However, some of the Shiah elders of the time deemed it advisable, solely for the protection of the weak elements among the people, to portray a person existing in the Unseen realm as being possessed of a corporeal existence. "For the world of existence is a single world; it cannot be hidden, except from your eyes, and cannot be manifest, except to your eyes." Such was their thought, their perception, and their design. Ibn-e Hajar hats a verse in the Sawa'iq saying:

A cellar cannot engender a creature such
asfancy prompteth you to cal a man, O fools!
May then your feeble minds be excused, for you have
added a third to the phoenix and the ghouls.

In any case, were one to refer to the accounts and carefully reflect upon their meaning, it would become clear and evidence that this magnanimous Imam, peace be upon him, has never existed in the physical realm. "

(translated in A Radiant Gem by Houri Falahi-Skuce)

Op 02/07/10, shahram rohani <> schreef:

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
We can accept Bab as manifestation and forerunner of Baha'ullah.But since he himself has mentioned the full name  and chain of names of father ,grandfather,... of Mahdi--the 12th shiite Imam-- in several of hissc-riptures; so it is nonsense to ignore the existance of such a person.Furthermore,the common sense can not accept the Bab (with his special biography) to be the same as Mahdi,Qa'im,Muhammad b.Hasan al-Askari (with special biography).
I would appreciate to have the comments of Sen on this too.

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