The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Raiding a trading caravan is an offensive war. 

What `Abdu'i-Baha is saying applies to Muhammad's defensive wars. But there 
were offensive wars as well. 

You don't understand the issue of collective security and just war. Jihad is 
religious warfare. A different animal. All the conquests of Islam until 732 
were offenses by nature. They were conducted to foist Islam by force and 
compulsion on other peoples and nations. You think Egyptians and Syrians and 
Persians came to Arabia begging to become Muslims?

The no compulsion in religion verse does not and did not abrogate jihad. 
Violence in the name of religion has always been a part of Islam, sometimes 
more and sometimes less. That kind of religion cannot be and is not God's final 


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-----Original Message-----
From: Gilberto Simpson <>
Sender: <>Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2010 20:01:41 
To: Baha'i Studies<>
Reply-To: "Baha'i Studies" <>
Subject: Re: Stealth Jihad

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 7:27 PM, Iskandar Hai, M.D.
<> wrote:
> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Just warfare is in the context of collective security, in order to stop an 
> aggressor.

So is jihad when properly understood. That's actually the point of SAQ:

Muḥammad received the Divine Revelation among these tribes, and after
enduring thirteen years of persecution from them, He fled. 2 But this
people did not cease to oppress; they united to exterminate Him and
all His followers. It was under such circumstances that Muḥammad was
forced to take up arms. This is the truth: we are not bigoted and do
not wish to defend Him, but we are just, and we say what is just. Look
at it with justice. If Christ Himself had been placed in such
circumstances among such tyrannical and barbarous tribes, and if for
thirteen years He with His disciples had endured all these trials with
patience, culminating in flight from His native land—if in spite of
this these lawless tribes continued to pursue Him, to slaughter the
men, to pillage their property, and to capture their women and
children—what would have been Christ’s conduct with regard to them? If
this oppression had fallen only upon Himself, He would have forgiven
them, and such an act of forgiveness would have been most
praiseworthy; but if He had seen that these cruel and bloodthirsty
murderers wished to kill, to pillage and to injure all these oppressed
ones, and to take captive the women and children, it is certain that
He would have protected them and would have resisted the tyrants. What
objection, then, can be taken to Muḥammad’s action? Is it this, that
He did not, with His followers, and their women and children, submit
to these savage tribes? To free these tribes from their
bloodthirstiness was the greatest kindness, and to coerce and restrain
them was 21 a true mercy. They were like a man holding in his hand a
cup of poison, which, when about to drink, a friend breaks and thus
saves him. If Christ had been placed in similar circumstances, it is
certain that with a conquering power He would have delivered the men,
women and children from the claws of these bloodthirsty wolves.

>  Very different from religious warfare (jihad) or holy war. Jihad is quite 
> ugly and unholy, and its use is to force people into accepting
>  your religion. Categorically abolished, forbidden, and abrogated in the 
> Baha'i Faith.

If that's how you are defining jihad then the Quran already says there
is no compulsion in matters of religion.

> There is a big difference between raiding a trading caravan to provoke a war 
> and just war theory.
> What `Abdu'l-Baha endorses is the defensive wars in early Islam. But there 
> were offensive raids, etc. too.

I'm just interested in discussing the forms of warfare / jihad which
would have permissible under Muhammad (saaws) or the Imams. Are you
saying that Muhammad and/or the Imams led offensive raids?

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