The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 5:22 PM, Gilberto Simpson <> wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 4:00 PM, Iskandar Hai, M.D.
> <> wrote:
> > The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> >
> > No, I did not say that particular story is in Bukhari.
> What you said was
> "You are being very selective again. Very convenient. Doesn't surprise
> me. Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that ibn Ishaq was a Jewish
> anti-Muslim text.
> It's in Bukhari too."
> That's an exact quote.

I did not know you had the Nakhla raid in mind. The "it" refers to the
caravan raid story, not one particular raid.

>  >
> > Are you denying that any raid ever took place?
> >
> I already gave you a reason for at least some of the raids.

So, the raids did take place.
Now, you shave your head in the month of Rajab and lie in wait for a caravan
of traders. What is that? Defense?

> > I do not have an anti-Muslim cmpaign.
> You have a funny way of showing it.

It may seem funny to you. But the issues regarding violence, women,
apostasy, najas, finality, etc., etc. are not funny. As I said, I'm just
telling you the facts, from your books. That is not an anti-Muslim campaign
or agenda.

> > You have an anti-Baha'i campaign on this list
> I think initially I was honestly very curious about the Bahai Faith
> and wanted to gain a better understanding of how it could be so
> similar to Islam in certain respects (believing in Muhammad, the
> Quran, the Imams, etc.) while being different in other respects. At
> this point, I think I have a better understanding of where the
> differences are. I don't expect (and never did expect) to convert
> anybody. But if someone is telling me that they believe in Muhammad,
> the Quran, the Imams, etc. then I would still think that has certain
> kinds of implications and I wouldn't expect them pour out the kind of
> hatred and resentment that I've seen from some people on the list.
There is no hatred nor resentment on my part. The issues are the facts. the
facts that are unfortunate, dark, and inconvenient but true facts
Now that you know what the issues and the differences, etc., are, it is high
time for you to honour the requests for you to remove yourself if you do not
have any other hidden intentions. That's all. No hard feelings. lakum
deenokum va leeya deenee. Leave us alone, and let us wayward apostate
Baha'is go to hell. You are welcome to enjoy the paradise with the virgin
hooris there or with the boys there.

> __________________________________________________

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