gimane seh neng...koq bisa jatuh anaknya ? posisi jatuhnya seperti apa? 
tengkurap, telentangkah?
temen lo dah komat kamit tuh pas gw critain anaklo jatoh ( si cumma' )

Observe behavior
Muntah mendadak tanpa nangis dan tanpa ada hubungan dengan minum atau 
Tidur yg sulit bangun meski dicubit keras?

CT scan diperlukan kalau benar2 trauma kepalanya berat ... 
Apa yg harus diobservasi kalau anak jatuh .. ?
Selain muntah ya kesadarannya dan kejang.
Muntahnya seperti muntah spontan proyektil yg gak ada kaitannya dengan 
makan atau minum. 
Jangan cemas....observ aja..yah...

Bila dalam 2x24 jam setelah terjatuh, bayi baik-baik saja, kesadarannya
masih bagus, tak mengalami gangguan saraf, tidak muntah, dan tidak kejang,
maka benturannya bisa dianggap ringan dan tak berakibat apa-apa. Lain hal
bila benturan berlangsung keras, ditandai dengan adanya memar, benjolan,
muntah, kejang, lemas, dan pingsan dalam kurun waktu 2x24 jam,segera bawa 
ke rumkit.



My toddler fell off the couch and hit his head. What should I do?
Whenever your toddler takes a serious tumble from a highchair, couch,
crib, or counter top, or falls when running or cruising on a ride-on toy,
you need to do a thorough check for injuries, especially if he falls on
his head or back. If your toddler cried immediately after striking his
head and remained alert, chances are the fall didn't cause serious injury.
But if he seems particularly irritable or confused or, worse, lost
consciousness, call the doctor. You should also call the doctor if your
child has any of the following:
? Cuts, abrasions, or bleeding (if your child doesn't seem to feel pain
around the area, if you can't control bleeding with pressure, or your
child cut his arm or leg and the affected limb seems weak, get medical
attention right away).

? Significant bruises or bumps

? Obvious deformity of the arms or legs, or pain that doesn't
significantly improve within several minutes

? Signs of concussion (see below)

? Soft area on the scalp, blood showing in the whites of the eyes, or
pinkish fluid or blood draining from the nose or ears. These symptoms can
all indicate a possible skull fracture

? Prolonged crying or screaming (can signal a possible internal injury)

If your child is still learning to walk and took a tumble or just seemed
to trip over himself, try not to overreact. Let him stand up on his own.
Rushing to his side every time he stumbles will wear you out and make him
overly cautious or quick to cry whether he's hurt or not. If he sobs and
whimpers, calmly comfort him and encourage him to get back on his feet.

What should I do if he develops a bump on his head?
"Goose eggs" on the head are common in children, especially if they're
still learning to walk and run. Although a bump on the head can look
serious, it's really just swelling and a sign that the injury affects only
scalp tissue, not the brain. Don't be surprised if the goose egg is quite
large. When swelling occurs on the head it has nowhere to go but out,
because your baby's skull is just under the skin. To help the bump go
down, place an ice pack on it for 20 minutes.

What if my child takes a serious fall yet doesn't suffer any apparent
injury and resumes playing?
Be thankful but watchful. Falls can be serious, but because your toddler's
bones are soft, they don't fracture as easily as those of an older child.
If your toddler fell on a hard surface but seems okay, continue to
carefully observe him for the next 24 hours (especially if he bumped or
fell on his head). Keep your eye out for these signs of a possible
concussion and if you notice them, call your pediatrician right away:
? Confusion or disorientation

? Blurred vision, crossed eyes, or pupils that are unequal in size

? Change in walking or crawling style

? Persistent headache

? More than one or two episodes of vomiting (throwing up once after a bad
bonk on the head is common and no cause for concern)

? Blood or watery fluid from the nose or ears

What if my child lost consciousness after the fall?
Seeing your child lose consciousness, even briefly, is terrifying. You
should call your pediatrician right away. If your child got knocked out
but quickly regained consciousness, the doctor will probably want to see
him. Then he'll recommend that you put him down to rest and monitor him
closely, watching for dizziness, nausea, vomiting, or any changes in
breathing, skin color, memory, or behavior. If your child's condition
appears to deteriorate, call 911.

If your child doesn't regain consciousness within several seconds, call
911 or your local rescue squad immediately. If you suspect his fall may
have caused a neck or spinal cord injury ? if he's alert but not moving,
says his arms or legs "feel funny," or seems particularly uncoordinated if
he tries to walk, for example ? don't move him. Instead, try to immobilize
his head and neck by placing books or firm pillows around him to hold his
body in position. Otherwise, gently tilt his chin up and his head back to
ensure that his airway is open, and check his breathing and pulse.

? If he's breathing and has a pulse, hold him in your arms with his head
tilted back slightly until help arrives.

? If he's not breathing but has a pulse, cover his mouth and nose with
your mouth and begin rescue breathing. Check his pulse. Continue this
cycle until help arrives.

? If he isn't breathing and doesn't have a pulse, give child CPR
(cardiopulmonary resuscitation) until help arrives.

My toddler is still learning to walk and run -- which means he falls a
lot. How can I reduce his risk of serious injury?
Learning to walk and run takes lots of practice and falling is all part of
the process. Minor bumps and bruises are an unavoidable part of gaining
motor skills and independence. As long as your child is under constant
adult supervision and his play area is free from stairs, sharp edges, and
other hazards, most falls will not cause serious injury. Here are some
other steps you can take to keep him safe:

? Pad pointed corners on furniture (because they're low, coffee tables are
common culprits in childhood bumps and bruises, so it may be worth packing
yours away until your child is a truly confident walker).

? Put skidproof pads under all rugs.

? Keep your toddler away from elevated porches and decks and place gates
at the top and bottom of each stairway. (Choose a mesh gate rather than
the accordion style, which can trap and pinch little fingers.)

? If your child is still in diapers, be extra vigilant about holding him
still on the changing table ? some have straps that can help.

? Lower your toddler's mattress as far as possible if he's still in a crib
and has started trying to climb out, or consider moving him to a big bed.

? When you're at the grocery store, buckle your child into the seatbelt on
the cart.

? Keep a sharp eye on your child at all times if he's started climbing on
the furniture so you can act quickly if he falls.

01/03/2006 12:42 PM
Please respond to


[balita-anda] Nabila Jatuh dari tempat tidur

Kemaren Nabila-ku jatuh dari tempat tidur ketinggian +- 70 cm,  dia nya 
ngga papa, masih aktif dan ceria. Tapi akunya takut. Kalau-kalau ada
sesuatu. Jatuhnya jam 3 sore langsung malemnya dibawa ke RS Mitra, dokter
bilang ngga papa masih diobservasi satu minggu ini kalau dia panas dan
muntah2 harus segera di CT SCAN terus tadi pagi dah diurut juga.


Mom's share dong yang pernah punya pengalaman kaya gini. Abis aku masih 
tenang nih.






Diah Rahmawati

Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan Indonesia (PSHK)

Puri Imperium Office Plaza Unit UG 11-12

Jl. Kuningan Madya Kav. 5-6

Kuningan, Jakarta 12980



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