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 Important Safety Information about DIANE®-35 and the risk of venous thromboembolism 
- Berlex Canada Inc. 
- Health Professional Advisory 
The Marketed Health Products Directorate (MHPD), Therapeutic Products Directorate 
(TPD) and Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate (BGTD) post safety alerts, 
public health advisories, press releases and other notices from industry as a service 
to health professionals, consumers, and other interested parties. Although MHPD, TPD 
and BGTD approve therapeutic products, MHPD, TPD and BGTD do not endorse either the 
product or the company. Any questions regarding product information should be 
discussed with your health professional. 

This is duplicated text of a letter from Berlex Canada Inc. Contact the company for a 
copy of any references, attachments or enclosures. 

April 10,2003 


   DIANE®-35, as with all estrogen/progestogen combinations, is contraindicated in 
women with thrombophlebitis, thromboembolic disorders, or a history of these 
   DIANE®-35 users appear to have an elevated risk of venous thromboembolic events 
compared to users of combination oral contraceptives in some published studies. 
   DIANE®-35 should not be prescribed for the purpose of contraception alone. 
   During treatment with DIANE®-35, other oral contraceptives should not be used. 

Dear Health Care Professional(s), 

Berlex Canada Inc., following discussions with Health Canada, would like to inform you 
about recent published information on the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) with 
DIANE®-35 (cyproterone acetate and ethinyl estradiol). DIANE®-35, like all 
estrogen/progestogen combinations, is associated with an increased risk of VTE 
compared with no use. 

DIANE®-35 is a therapeutic agent indicated for the treatment of women with severe 
acne, unresponsive to oral antibiotic and other available treatments, with associated 
symptoms of androgenization, including seborrhea and mild hirsutism. It should be 
discontinued 3 to 4 cycles after signs have completely resolved. DIANE®-35 has many 
properties in common with combination oral contraceptives and the same 
contraindications, warnings and precautions apply to DIANE®-35. 

Based on an independent analysis, commissioned by Berlex, of recently published 
information1-7, cases of non-fatal VTE ranging in incidence from 1.2 to 9.9 events per 
10,000 women-years have been observed in users of DIANE®-35. As context, the incidence 
of VTE in non-users of any oral contraceptive is estimated to be 0.5 to 1 event per 
10,000 women-years, and increases to 4 events per 10,000 women-years in long-term 
users of low estrogen content (< 50 :g ethinyl estradiol) combination oral 
contraceptives8. These event rates are rare, but still justify caution in the use of 

Since market introduction in 1998, Health Canada has received 11 reports of VTE (deep 
vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and stroke) equivalent to a reporting rate of 
0.33 events per 10,000 women-years. One of these cases involved a death. It should be 
noted that reporting rates determined on the basis of spontaneously reported 
post-marketing adverse events are generally presumed to underestimate the risks 
associated with drug treatments. 

Women with androgen-related conditions (e.g., severe acne or hirsutism) may have an 
inherently increased cardiovascular risk. The excess risk of VTE is highest during the 
first year a woman ever uses a combination oral contraceptive. 

Berlex Canada Inc. is committed to providing you with the most current product safety 
information on its products. We hope this information will be helpful to you in caring 
for your patients on DIANE®-35. The official DIANE®-35 Product Monograph is being 
updated to reflect this new information. 

The identification, characterization, and management of drug-related adverse events 
are dependent on the active participation of health care professionals in adverse drug 
reaction reporting programmes. Health care professionals are asked to report any 
suspected adverse reactions in patients receiving DIANE®-35 directly to Berlex Canada 
Inc. at the following address: 

Berlex Canada Inc. 
334 Avro Avenue 
Pointe-Claire, Quebec H9R 5W5 
Tel: (800) 361-0240 or by 
fax at (514) 631-4721 

Your professional commitment in this regard has an important role in protecting the 
well-being of your patients by contributing to early signal detection and informed 
drug use. 

If you have any questions regarding DIANE®-35, please contact Berlex Canada at 

Yours sincerely, 

original signed by 

Dr. Jean-Louis Stril, M.D. 
Manager, Disease Management and Drug Safety 
Berlex Canada Inc. 

1 Lidegaard O. et al. Contraception 2002; 65:187-196. 
2 Pini M et al. Rec Prog Med 1996; 87:331-337. 
3 Farmer RDT et al. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2000; 49:580-590. 
4 Vasilakis-Scaramozza C and Jick H. The Lancet 2001; 358:1427-1429. 
5 Seaman HE et al. Human Reproduction 2003; 18:522-526. 
6 WHO 1995 Lancet 1995; 346:1582-1588. 
7 Farmer RDT. Hum Rep Upd 1999; 5:688-706. 
8 The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA). EMEA committee 
for proprietary medicinal products (CPMP) Public Assessment Report. Combined oral 
contraceptives and venous thromboembolism. 28 September 2001. 

Any suspected adverse reactions can also be reported to:

Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Program (CADRMP) 
Marketed Health Products Directorate
Address Locator: 0201C2 
OTTAWA, Ontario, K1A 1B9 
Tel: (613) 957-0337 or Fax: (613) 957-0335
Toll free for consumers and health professionals: 
Tel: 866 234-2345, Fax: 866 678-6789 

The AR Reporting Form and the AR Guidelines can be found on the TPD web site or in The 
Canadian Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties. 


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