Mbak Rina....

Susu utk anak 1 th ke atas bukanlagi kebutuhan utama.. susu adl utk
melengkapi kebutuhan kalsium.... lha kalsium ini kan banyak sumbernya bs
dr ikan teri,keju, youghurt, sayuran dll.. so klo anak ga doyan bgt ma susu

But klo anak jd doyan teh manis... aduhhh jgn jd kebiasaan deh.. pertama
manisnya bisa2 klo biasa manis2 ria bs obesitas or diabetes...
kedua teh kan scr ga lsg ngandung kafein.. ga baikk ahh klo banyak2 apalagi
anak.....minimal kafein bs bikin jantung berdebar-debar lebih kenceng..
Ini lengkapnya ttg kafein aku ada artikelnya..yah..

Btw, klo bisa kebiasaan minum teh manisnya dikurangin dahh iganti aja jd jus
buah, milkshake dll ...

Ini saya coba copy paste side effect dari caffeine:

Side effects of caffeine
The minimum lethal dose of caffeine ever reported is 3,200 mg,
administered intravenously. The LD50 of caffeine is estimated between
13 and 19 grams for oral administration for an average adult. The
LD50 of caffeine is dependent on weight and individual sensitivity
and estimated to be about 150 to 200 mg per kg of body mass, roughly
140 to 180 cups of coffee for an average adult taken within a limited
timeframe that is dependent on half-life. The half-life, or time it
takes for the amount of caffeine in the blood to decrease by 50%,
ranges from 3.5 to 10 hours. In adults the half-life is generally
around 5 hours. However, contraceptive pills increase this to around
12 hours, and, for women over 3 months pregnant, it varies from 10 to
18 hours. In infants and young children, the half-life may be longer
than in adults. With common coffee and a very rare half-life of 100
hours, it would require 3 cups of coffee every hour for 100 hours
just to reach LD50. Though achieving lethal dose with coffee would be
exceptionally difficult, there have been many reported deaths from
intentional overdosing on caffeine pills.

Too much caffeine, especially over an extended period of time, can
lead to a number of physical and mental conditions. The Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV)
states: "The 4 caffeine-induced psychiatric disorders include
caffeine intoxication, caffeine-induced anxiety disorder, caffeine-
induced sleep disorder, and caffeine-related disorder not otherwise
specified (NOS)."

An overdose of caffeine can result in a state termed caffeine
intoxication or caffeine poisoning. Its symptoms are both
physiological and psychological. Symptoms of caffeine intoxication
include: restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, flushed
face, diuresis, muscle twitching, rambling flow of thought and
speech, paranoia, cardiac arrhythmia or tachycardia, and psychomotor
agitation, gastrointestinal complaints, increased blood pressure,
rapid pulse, vasoconstriction (tightening or constricting of
superficial blood vessels) sometimes resulting in cold hands or
fingers, increased amounts of fatty acids in the blood, and an
increased production of gastric acid. In extreme cases mania,
depression, lapses in judgment, disorientation, loss of social
inhibition, delusions, hallucinations and psychosis may occur. [4]

It is commonly assumed that only a small proportion of people exposed
to caffeine develop symptoms of caffeine intoxication. However,
because it mimics organic mental disorders, such as panic disorder,
generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, a
growing number of medical professionals believe caffeine-intoxicated
people are routinely misdiagnosed and unnecessarily medicated.
Shannon et al (1998) point out that:

"Caffeine-induced psychosis, whether it be delirium, manic
depression, schizophrenia, or merely an anxiety syndrome, in most
cases will be hard to differentiate from other organic or non-organic
psychoses....The treatment for caffeine-induced psychosis is to
withhold further caffeine." A study in the British Journal of
Addiction declared that "although infrequently diagnosed, caffeinism
is thought to afflict as many as one person in ten of the population"
(JE James and KP Stirling, 1983).
Because caffeine increases the production of stomach acid, high usage
over time can lead to peptic ulcers, erosive esophagitis, and
gastroesophageal reflux disease.[citation needed] Furthermore, it can
also lead to nervousness, irritability, anxiety, tremulousness,
muscle twitching, insomnia, heart palpitations and hyperreflexia [5].

It is suggested that "slow metabolizers" who carry a variant of
polymorphic cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) enzyme have an increased
risk of nonfatal myocardial infarction (see references).

Individuals who consume caffeine regularly develop a reduction in
sensitivity to caffeine; when such individuals reduce their caffeine
intake, their body becomes oversensitive to adenosine, with the
result that blood pressure drops dramatically, leading to an excess
of blood in the head (though not necessarily on the brain), causing a
headache. Other symptoms may include nausea, fatigue, drowsiness,
anxiety and irritability; in extreme cases symptoms may include
depression, inability to concentrate and diminished motivation to
initiate or to complete daily tasks at home or at work.

Withdrawal symptoms may appear within 12 to 24 hours after
discontinuation of caffeine intake, peak at roughly 48 hours, and
usually lasts from one to five days. Analgesics, such as aspirin, can
relieve the pain symptoms, as can a small dose of caffeine.

Effects on fetuses and newborn children
There is some evidence that caffeine may be dangerous for fetuses and
newborn children. In animal studies, caffeine intake during pregnancy
has been demonstrated to have teratogenic effects and increase the
risk of learning problems and hyperactivity in rats and mice,
respectively. The applicability of these results to human infants is
disputed since the concentrations involved were high and rodents are
more susceptible to most mutagens. In a 1985 study conducted by
scientists of Carleton University, Canada, children born by mothers
who had consumed more than 300 mg/d caffeine (about 3 cups of coffee
or 6 cups of tea) were found to have, on the average, lower birth
weight and head circumference than the children of mothers who had
consumed little or no caffeine. In addition, use of large amounts of
caffeine by the mother during pregnancy may cause problems with the
heart rhythm of the fetus. For these reasons, some doctors recommend
that women largely discontinue caffeine consumption during pregnancy
and possibly also after birth until the newborn child is weaned.

The negative effects of caffeine on the developing fetus can be
attributed to the ability of caffeine to inhibit two DNA damage
response proteins known as Ataxia-Telangiectasia Mutated (ATM) or ATM-
Rad50 Related (ATR). These proteins control much of the cells ability
to stop cell cycle in the presence of DNA damage, such as DNA
single/double strand breaks and nucleotide dimerization. DNA damage
can occur relatively frequently in actively dividing cells, such as
those in the developing fetus. Caffeine is used in laboratory setting
as an inhibitor to these proteins and it has been shown in a study by
Lawson et al. in 2004, that women who use caffeine during pregnancy
have a higher likelihood of miscarriage than those who do not. Since
the dosage rate of self-administration is difficult to control and
the effects of caffeine on the fetus are related to random occurrence
(DNA damage), a minimal toxic dose to the fetus has yet to be

Dear Moms and Dads...
Pagiii... semuanya.... Pliiizzz sharingnya donk...
Aku punya sepupu 2, dua-duanya berusia 2 tahunan dan dua-duanya pun
laki2/ (tapi bukan kembar loh... ini lain ibu) he...he... begini sekarang ini
mereka berdua tidak mau minum susu dipaksa kayak gimana pun tetap aja
gak mau mereka sekarang lebih suka minum teh manis jadi sekarang botol 
susu mereka isi nya bukan susu tapi teh manis karena awalnya pada waktu
itu kejadiannya sama mereka itu sedang sakit demam dan flu trus sama ibu
mereka diberi teh manis alhasil mereka jadi ketagihan teh manis deh....
Yang ingin saya tanyakan apakah teh manis itu bisa membuat ketagihan?
dan apakah baik anak seumur mereka sudah stop minum susu dan hanya
minum teh manis? apakah ada efek sampingnya jika dikonsumsi terus
soalnya jadi takut juga nih ngasih anak minum teh manis....
Pliiiizzz.... ya moms and dads sharingnya soalnya aku kasihan liat mereka
umur segitu udah stop minum susu padahal khan susu itu masih penting kan
dikonsumsi pada saat-saat seumur mereka.
terima kasih dan maaf ya kepanjangan

Uci mamaKavin
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