Raseola or Rubella ya? Bee juga kena negh... Diobatinya gimana? Trs
ada gejala pilek itu???
On 1/2/07, Jusuf Jaya Kusuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Benar Mba Euis...

itu gejala roseola....
beberapa hari panas n rewel....
kemudian setelah sekitar 3-5 harian... hilang panasnya...
dan berganti dengan bintik2 merah di wajah... n badan...

ini belangsung selama 3 hari... kemudian hilang dengan sendirinya....

ini Roseola.. anak saya kemarin juga terkena pada bulan desember...

mudah mudahan membantu....

Thanks n Regards
----- Original Message -----
From: "melisa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2006 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] TAMPEK kah?.

> Bener Mbak,..ini tampek alias Roseola.
> Penyebabnya virus, dan merah2nya ntar ilang sendiri. Kalo udah keluar,
> berarti udah mo sembuh.
> Saya sih enggak pernah pengalaman anak kena roseola, tapi kebanyakan ibu2
> disini mengalami kok, bukan penyakit berat.
> Sedikit informasi dari artikel ttg roseola (maaf masih berbahasa inggris),
> mudah2an membantu.
> Salam,
> Melisa
> =========================
>           Print size: Regular   Large
>      Original Article:
>      http://www.mayoclinic.com/invoke.cfm?id=DS00452
>      Roseola
>      Overview
>      Roseola is a generally mild viral illness that usually affects babies
> and young children. The condition typically causes several days of fever,
> followed by a rash.
>      Two common strains of the herpes virus cause roseola. It usually
> affects children between 6 months and 3 years of age, though it
> occasionally
> affects adults. It's extremely common - so common, in fact, that most
> children have been infected by the time they enter kindergarten.
>      Some children develop only a very mild case of roseola and never show
> any clear indication of illness, while others experience the full range of
> signs and symptoms. The infection can occur at any time of the year.
>      Roseola typically isn't serious. Rarely, complications from a very
> high fever can result. Treatment includes bed rest, fluids and medications
> to reduce fever.
>      Signs and symptoms
>      If your child is exposed to someone with roseola and becomes infected
> with the virus, it generally takes a week or two for signs and symptoms of
> infection to appear - if they appear at all. It's possible to become
> infected with roseola but have symptoms too mild to be readily noticeable.
> Signs and symptoms may include:
>      ·                            Fever. Roseola typically starts with a
> sudden, high fever - often greater than 103 F. Some children may also have
> a
> slightly sore throat or a runny nose along with or preceding the fever.
> Your
> child may also develop swollen glands in his or her neck along with the
> fever. The fever lasts for three to seven days.
>      ·                            Rash. Once the fever subsides, a rash
> typically appears - but not always. The rash consists of many small pink
> spots or patches. These spots are generally flat, but some may be raised.
> There may be a white ring around some of the spots. The rash usually
> starts
> on the chest, back and abdomen and then spreads to the neck and arms. It
> may
> or may not reach the legs and face. The rash, which isn't itchy or
> uncomfortable, can last from several hours to several days before fading.
>      Other signs and symptoms of roseola may include:
>      ·                            Fatigue
>      ·                            Irritability in infants and children
>      ·                            Mild diarrhea
>      ·                            Decreased appetite
>      ·                            Swollen eyelids
>      Causes
>      The most common cause of roseola is the human herpes virus 6 (HHV6),
> but the cause also can be another herpes virus - human herpes virus 7
> (HHV7). These herpes viruses are related to, but different from, those
> that
> cause cold sores and genital herpes.
>      Like other viral illnesses, such as a cold, roseola spreads from
> person to person through contact with an infected person's respiratory
> secretions or saliva. For example, a child who drinks out of the cup of
> another child who has roseola could contract the virus.
>      Roseola is contagious even if no rash is present. That means the
> condition can spread while an infected child has a fever but before it's
> clear that the child has roseola. Watch your child for signs of roseola if
> your child has interacted with another child who has the illness.
> Sometimes
> it's not clear how a child contracted roseola.
>      Unlike chickenpox and other childhood viral illnesses that spread
> rapidly, roseola rarely results in a communitywide outbreak.
>      Risk factors
>      Older infants are at greatest risk of acquiring roseola because they
> haven't had time yet to develop antibodies against many viruses. While in
> the uterus, babies receive antibodies from their mothers that protect them
> as newborns from contracting infections such as roseola. But that immunity
> fades with time. The most common age for a child to contract roseola is
> between 6 and 12 months.
>      When to seek medical advice
>      Roseola can cause a high fever - 103 F or higher. Call your child's
> pediatrician anytime your child has a fever greater than 103 F. Your
> doctor
> may want you to bring your child in for a physical exam to rule out more
> serious causes of fever than roseola.
>      Your child could have a convulsion (febrile seizure) if his or her
> fever becomes too high or spikes too quickly. However, usually by the time
> you notice your child's high temperature, the threat of a possible seizure
> has already passed. If your child does have an unexplained seizure, seek
> medical care immediately.
>      If your child has roseola and the fever lasts more than seven days,
> or
> if the rash doesn't improve after three days, call your child's doctor.
>      If your immune system is compromised and you come in contact with
> someone who had roseola, contact your doctor. You may need monitoring for
> a
> possible infection which, for you, could be more severe than it is for a
> child.
>      Screening and diagnosis
>      Roseola can be difficult to diagnose because initial symptoms are
> similar to those of other common childhood illnesses, such as the common
> cold or an ear infection. If it's clear that no cold, ear infection, strep
> throat or other common condition is present, your doctor may wait to see
> if
> the characteristic rash of roseola begins. Your doctor may tell you to
> look
> for the rash while you treat your child's fever at home.
>      Doctors confirm a diagnosis of roseola by the telltale rash or, in
> some cases, by a blood test to check for antibodies to roseola.
>      Complications
>      Occasionally children with roseola experience a seizure brought on by
> a rapid rise in body temperature. If this happens, your child might
> briefly
> lose consciousness and jerk his or her arms, legs or head for several
> seconds to minutes. He or she may also lose bladder or bowel control
> temporarily.
>      If your child has a seizure, seek emergency care. Fortunately,
> although frightening, fever-related seizures in otherwise healthy young
> children are generally short-lived and are rarely harmful.
>      Complications from roseola are rare. The vast majority of otherwise
> healthy children and adults with roseola recover quickly and completely.
>      Roseola is of greater concern in people whose immune system is
> compromised, such as those who have recently received a bone marrow or
> organ
> transplant. They may contract a new case of roseola - or a previous
> infection may come back while their immune system is weakened. Because
> they
> have less resistance to viruses in general, immune-compromised people tend
> to develop more severe cases of infection and have a harder time fighting
> off illness.
>      People with weak immune systems who contract roseola may experience
> potentially serious complications from the infection, such as pneumonia or
> encephalitis - a potentially life-threatening inflammation of the brain.
>      Treatment
>      Most children recover fully from roseola within a week of the onset
> of
> the fever. With your doctor's advice, you can give your child
> over-the-counter medications to reduce fever, such as acetaminophen
> (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others). However, don't
> give
> aspirin to a child who has a viral illness because aspirin has been
> associated with the development of Reye's syndrome, which can be serious.
>      There's no specific treatment for roseola, although some doctors may
> prescribe the antiviral medication ganciclovir (Cytovene) to treat the
> infection in people with weakened immunity. Antibiotics aren't effective
> in
> treating viral illnesses such as roseola.
>      Prevention
>      Because there's no vaccine to prevent roseola, the best you can do to
> prevent the spread of roseola is avoid exposing your child to an infected
> child. If your child is sick with roseola, keep him or her home from
> school
> and child care and away from other children.
>      Most people have antibodies to roseola by the time they're of school
> age, making them immune to a second infection. Even so, if one household
> member contracts the virus, make sure that all family members wash their
> hands frequently to prevent spread of the virus to anyone who isn't
> immune.
>      Adults who never contracted roseola as children can become infected
> later in life, though the disease tends to be mild in healthy adults. The
> main concern is that infected adults can pass the virus on to children.
>      Self-care
>      Like most viruses, roseola just needs to run its course. Once the
> fever subsides, your child should feel better soon. However, a fever can
> make your child uncomfortable. To treat your child's fever at home, your
> pediatrician may recommend that your child:
>      ·                            Get plenty of rest. Let your child rest
> in bed until the fever disappears.
>      ·                            Drink plenty of fluids. Encourage your
> child to drink clear fluids such as water, ginger ale, lemon-lime soda,
> clear broth or an electrolyte solution (such as Pedialyte or sports drinks
> such as Gatorade and Powerade) to prevent dehydration.
>      ·                            Take sponge baths. A lukewarm sponge
> bath
> or a cool washcloth applied to your child's head can soothe the discomfort
> of a fever. However, avoid using ice, cold water, fans or cold baths.
> These
> may give the child unwanted chills.
>      There's no specific treatment for the rash of roseola, which fades on
> its own in a short time.
>      Coping skills
>      Roseola will likely keep your child home for a few days. When staying
> home with your child, plan low-key activities that you both will enjoy. If
> your child is sick and you have to return to work, recruit help from your
> partner or from other relatives and friends.
>      By Mayo Clinic staff
>      DS00452
>      May 06, 2004
>      (c) 1998-2005 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
> (MFMER). All rights reserved.  A single copy of these materials may be
> reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic,"
> "MayoClinic.com," "Mayo Clinic Health Information," "Reliable information
> for a healthier life" and the triple-shield Mayo logo are trademarks of
> Mayo
> Foundation for Medical Education and Research.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sisnawati, Euis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
> Sent: Saturday, December 30, 2006 10:56 AM
> Subject: [balita-anda] TAMPEK kah?.
> Smart Parent mohon pendapatnya, siapa tau anaknya ada yang pernah ngalamin
> seperti ini....
> selama 3 Hari ini zaidan ku panas ampe 38,5 dan panas nya turun naik
> terutama di daerah kepala belakang dan itu selalu pas malam hari ,,selama
> dia panas saya ga bawa ke dokter yg saya lakukan kasih dia sanmol ,dan
> terapi air putih minumnya di banyakin karena saya takut dehidrasi ,dan
> terapi peluk biar dia merasa comfortable , sinyal panas ini awalnya saya
> tidak tahu karena dia ga batuk or filek ternyata semalam panasnya langsung
> turun tidurnya nyenyak dan ceria lagi cuma kluar merah-merah di kulitnya
> (muka ,tangan dan badan ) anakku sekarang usia baru tujuh bulan
> apa ya yg harus saya lakukan dengan kulitnya yg tiba-tiba merah-merah itu
> ,,,?
> salam\
> Mamahnya Sirril & Zaidan
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