mbak Ila,
Iseng tadi saya cari di internet how to reduce gamma gt, lha koq adanya
artikel yang berhubungan dengan menurunnya fungsi hati karena alkohol,
dengan berenti minum alkohol maka gamma gt nya akan menurun. Pasti kasusnya
mbak bukan karena alkohol.

Atau mungkin mbak konmsumi salah satu obat sebagai berikut: Drugs that can
increase GGT levels include alcohol, phenytoin, and phenobarbital.

Obat yang bisa nurunin levelnya malah pil KB, Drugs that can decrease GGT
levels include clofibrate and oral contraceptives (birth control pills).

Mungkin biar Gamma GT nya bisa balik ke normal, cukup istirahat, cukup
makan, minum, jangan capek2 ya...
mungkin artikel di bawah bisa bantu sedikit ya

  After a routine blood test, I have been told I have an elevated Gamma GT
level in my blood. Can you tell me what this means?

Gamma GT is an abbreviation for glutamytransferase, which is an enzyme found
in liver cells and the biliary tract. It is a very sensitive indicator of
abnormality in the liver or bile duct system. However, an elevated Gamma GT
is not a specific indicator of a particular condition. It can be elevated in
a diverse range of liver diseases including various forms of hepatitis. It
is also important to stress that sometimes it can be elevated in the case of
heart attack and renal failure. If there were a concern about the state of
your liver then the significance of an elevated Gamma GT would have to be
evaluated in conjunction with a measurement of other liver enzymes. Gamma GT
estimation alone would not give sufficient information upon which to base a
definitive opinion. The commonest reason for an elevated Gamma GT is
excessive consumption of alcohol. If you drink heavily it would be advisable
to curtail your drinking and have the test repeated again within the next
few months. If your elevated Gamma GT is due to alcohol consumption you
should find that the level would return to normal once you reduce your
alcohol intake.

*Alternative Names*

*Definition*    *Return to

Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase is a test to measure the amount of the
in the blood.

*How the Test is Performed*    *Return to

Blood is drawn from a vein on the inside of the elbow or the back of the
hand. The puncture site is cleaned with antiseptic, and an elastic band is
placed around the upper arm to apply pressure and restrict blood flow
through the vein. This causes veins below the band to fill with blood.

A needle is inserted into the vein, and the blood is collected in an
air-tight vial or a syringe. During the procedure, the band is removed to
restore circulation (blood flow). Once the blood has been collected, the
needle is removed, and the puncture site is covered to stop any bleeding.

For an infant or young child:

The area is cleansed with antiseptic and punctured with a sharp needle or a
lancet. The blood may be collected in a pipette (small glass tube), on a
slide, onto a test strip, or into a small container. Cotton or a bandage may
be applied to the puncture site if there is any continued bleeding.

*How to Prepare for the Test*    *Return to

The health care provider may advise you to stop taking any drugs that can
affect the test (see Special Considerations).

For infants and children:

The preparation you can provide for this test depends on your child's age
and experience. For specific information regarding how you can prepare your
child, see the following:

   - Infant test or procedure
to 1 year)
   - Toddler test or procedure
to 3 years)
   - Preschooler test or procedure
to 6 years)
   - School age test or procedure
to 12 years)
   - Adolescent test or procedure
to 18 years)

*How the Test Will Feel*    *Return to

When the needle is inserted to draw blood, some people feel moderate pain,
while others feel only a prick or stinging sensation. Afterward, there may
be some throbbing.

*Why the Test is Performed*    *Return to

This test is used to detect diseases of the liver,
and kidney. It is also used to differentiate liver or bile duct
disorders from bone disease.

GGT participates in the transfer of amino
the cell membrane, and in glutathione (an anti-oxidant)
metabolism <>.
High concentrations of GGT are found in the liver, bile ducts, and the

GGT is measured in combination with other tests. In particular, the enzyme
ALP <> is
increased in liver and bile duct disease as well as in bone disease. GGT is
elevated in liver and bile duct disease, but not in bone disease. So, a
patient with an elevated ALP and a normal GGT probably has bone disease, not
liver or bile ducts disease.

*Normal Results*    *Return to

The normal range is 0 to 51 IU/L.

Note: IU/L = international units per liter

*What Abnormal Results Mean*    *Return to

Greater-than-normal levels of GGT may indicate:

   - Congestive heart
of the bile ducts)
   - Cirrhosis <>
   - Hepatitis <>
   - Liver ischemia (blood flow deficiency)
   - Liver necrosis<>
   - Liver tumor
   - Use of hepatotoxic drugs (drugs toxic to liver)

*Risks*    *Return to

   - Excessive bleeding
   - Fainting or feeling light-headed
   - Hematoma (bleeding under the skin)
   - Infection (a slight risk any time the skin is broken)
   - Multiple punctures to locate veins

*Considerations*    *Return to

Drugs that can increase GGT levels include alcohol, phenytoin, and

Drugs that can decrease GGT levels include clofibrate and oral
contraceptives (birth control pills).

Veins and arteries vary in size from one patient to another and from one
side of the body to the other. Obtaining a blood sample from some people may
be more difficult than from others.

On 7/18/08, Rizqiyah, Ummi-Lailatul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dear all,
> Tanya donk..ada yg tau nggak cara nurunin gamma GT?
> Kemaren cek darah rutin, hasilnya bagus, kecuali di cholesterol ldlnya
> rada tinggi :P
> Sama gamma GT 62 (normal 5 - 36) dan fosfatase Alkali 110 (normal 42 -
> 98)
> Untuk GOT dan GPT nya normal.
> Menurut penjelasan dokter, katanya sich karena sebelumnya sgot dan
> sgptnya sebelumnya pernah naek . FYI tahun 1998 aku pernah thypus dan
> liverku sedikit membengkak,apa ya hepatitis kali kata dokternya sich
> (penyakit kuning ya kat orang dulu). Dan tentu SGOT SGPT naik. Tapi
> habis itu aku sembuh total. Saat itu aku uga rutin minum temulawak asli
> marut langsung sama madu.
> Cuma khan SGPT dan SGOT suka naek kalo kita nggak fit. Awal january 08
> aku cek semuanya masih bagus, gamma Gtnya masih sekitar 39. minggu lalu
> ok segitu yaa? Bingung juga, malam sebelum cek darah memang lagi flu dan
> badan sempat menggigil.apa karena itu yaa? Kebetulan dari bulan juni
> kemaren memnag banyak kegiatan yg membuatku "capek".
> Katanya sich, setelah SGOT dan SGPT turun, gamma Gtnya baru muncul dan
> turunnya masih perlu waktu. Biar cepet turun gimana yaaa? Aku sich biasa
> pake temulawak? Ada yg lainnya, cara traditional yaaa  (jgn obat, ato
> multivitamin yg "aneh" dech :P
> Bulan depan disuruh cek lagi... Turun apa nggak?
> Ngeri nih....
> Please, sapa tau ada yg ngerti.
> Biasanya mbak lif or mbak sylvia neh yg komplit :P
> thanks
>     ~   ILA   ~
> Skin Clinical Center Indonesia
> Menara Duta 2nd fl Wing D
> Ph : (62) 21 - 5256366 Ext 258
> Fax : (62) 21 - 5200086
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
>] On Behalf Of Triagus
> Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 10:41 AM
> To: Balita Anda
> Subject: [balita-anda] PROPOLIS PLATINUM, Antibiotik Alami
> Propolis adalah air liur lebah yang melapisi dinding sarang lebah tempat
> menyimpan madu dan berfungsi untuk melindungi madu dari bakteri dan
> virus sehingga terlindungi dari terjadinya pembusukan pada madu,
> Mengandung semua jenis vitamin dan sangat kaya dengan vitamin A dan B1,
> kandungan Bioflavonoid sangat tinggi, 1 tetes propolis setara dengan 500
> buah jeruk.
> Mengandung 14 jenis mineral yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh.
> Penelitian para ahli telah membuktikan bahwa air liur lebah adalah
> antibiotik alamiah dan sangat mujarab untuk mencegah dan menyembuhkan
> berbagai jenis penyakit terutama disebabkan oleh virus, bakteri dan
> jamur.
> Membantu meringankan dan menyembuhkan penyakit :
> *        Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh
> *        Influensa
> *        Sinusitis
> *        Batuk
> *        Radang tenggorokan
> *        Asma
> *        Bronchitis
> *        Liver
> *        Hepatitis
> *        Sakit gigi
> *        Cacingan
> *        Diabetes
> *        Kolesterol
> *        Darah tinggi
> *        Darah rendah
> *        Stroke
> *        Kanker
> *        Tumor
> *        Impotensi / lemah syahwat
> *        Susah tidur
> *        Kanker
> *        Keputihan
> *        Jerawat
> *        Bau badan
> *        Panu, Kurap, Kudis
> *        Ginjal
> *        Cacar & Campak
> *        Sariawan
> *        Maag
> *        Ambein / Wasir
> *        Bisa gigitan serangga / binatang
> *        Infeksi
> *        Luka
> *        Sakit Kepala
> *        Migrain
> *        dll
> Dosis:
> *        Anak-anak : 1 - 2 tetes 2 kali sehari
> *        Dewasa : 5 - 10 tetes 2 kali sehari
> Cara Pemakaian :
> *        Teteskan langsung dibawah lidah.
> *        Atau teteskan kedalam air minum dalam gelas dan diaduk dengan
> sendok kayu atau plastik. (Dilarang menggunakan gelas logam atau sendok
> logam)
> *        Ambein / wasir semprotkan langsung kebagian anus.
> *        Luka dioleskan langsung dibagian luka / gores.
> Harga :
> *        Kemasan tunggal isi 6 ml Rp. 99.000,-
> *        Kemasan 1 box isi 5 botol @ 6 ml Rp. 453.000,-
> M. Tri Agustiyadi
> Telp. 5728569 / 08128549332
> <>
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Info tanaman hias: Info balita:
> Peraturan milis, email ke:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] menghubungi admin, email ke:
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Info tanaman hias:
> Info balita:
> Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> menghubungi admin, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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