Kalo software begituan mending beli, tapi kalo ga mau repot, donlot ajah
banyak via rapidshare.
Ketik di google ajah trus cari softwarenya

Ketik software "rapidshare.com/files" di google
Check link itu masih hidup ato nggak di rapidcheck.co.nr
Kl masih valid silakan donlot

Monggo kl mau yg gratisan



Donny Priwardhana
Fleet Commander

Activation, bound by imagination

Jl. Wijaya Kusuma No. 2, Tomang, Jakarta 11430, Indonesia
P +6221 566 7058  F +6221 568 0012
M +6281 2263 6856 
M +6221 9169 6949
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named recipient(s) and may contain privileged or other confidential
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that you have received this e-mail in error and delete the copy you
received. Thank you.

On 8/20/09 10:21 AM, "Anisah Kurniawati" <n...@sumitronics.co.id> wrote:

> Sekalian nanya donk..disini ada yg jual software2 inventory dan penjualan
> gitu gak yah?
> Yg murah2 aja. kata temen klo di Mangga2 ada yg jual skitaran 50ribuan gitu.
> Jauh dari mangga 2 nih.
> Maaf yg bu mods..OOT nih soalnya urgentttt, dah puyeng nyatet transaksi
> penjualan harian nihh
>   _____  
> From: Donny Priwardhana [mailto:do...@sevensenses.co.id]
> Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 10:15 AM
> To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
> Subject: Re: [balita-anda] OOT - mengubah file format mp3 ke wma
> Halo risma,
> Bisa donlot ato beli beberapa software audio converter.
> Di ambasador atau di toko2 software petani ada banyak sekali.
> Tergantung platform anda, jika under windows maka banyak sekali software
> nya.
> Tapi hati-hati jika beli software petani, biasanya banyak sekali mengandung
> virus.
> Coba terlebih dahulu di toko tersebut bahwa software tersebut bebas virus.
> Contoh softwarenya
> 1. adobe audition
> 2. jet audio
> 3. xilisoft
> 4. total audio converter
> Dll dsb....
> Thanks
> Regards
> Donny Priwardhana
> Fleet Commander
> Activation, bound by imagination
> Jl. Wijaya Kusuma No. 2, Tomang, Jakarta 11430, Indonesia
> P +6221 566 7058  F +6221 568 0012
> M +6281 2263 6856
> M +6221 9169 6949
> NOTICE: This communications including all attachments is intended for the
> named recipient(s) and may contain privileged or other confidential
> information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe that you have
> received this communication in error, please do not print, copy, transmit,
> distribute or otherwise use this information. Also, please inform sender
> that you have received this e-mail in error and delete the copy you
> received. Thank you.
> On 8/20/09 9:05 AM, "risma" <bunda_fa...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> sorry OOT
>> tp masih kaitan dgn anak2 kok....
>> anak2 sy seneng banget lagu2 barney
>> kemaren sy download lagu2 barney dr suatu situs (emaknya ogah rugi beli
> CD)
>> formatnya mp3
>> ternyata sampe rumah gak bisa disetel di player yg ada di mobil kami
>> cek sana sini...ternyata palyer di mobil cuma bisa utk format wma
>> bisakah convert mp3 jadi wma?
>> adakah yg bisa kasih info?
>> -risma-
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> Info tanaman hias: http://www.toekangkeboen.com
>> Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
>> Peraturan milis, email ke: peraturan_mi...@balita-anda.com
>> menghubungi admin, email ke: balita-anda-ow...@balita-anda.com

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