Pastinyaaa :D

Ya mestinya setiap ada berita penyakit baru sebaiknya cari info betul tidaknya 
karena banyak hoax juga. Salah satu kegunaan milis ya seperti ini sharing info 

Semoga betah ya Emma

Gak kerasa dah  7 th-an disini 

send from my ALSA ~smartphone~

-----Original Message-----
From: "Emma" <>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 15:33:15 
To: <>
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Hati2 Demam Pada Anak
matur nuwun,mba lita.Jadi lega dan nyamuknya klo mau ke jakarta ongkosnyakan 
muahal ya,mba'?

Emma :)
From: "Besta Arlita" <>
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 3:28 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Hati2 Demam Pada Anak

> Intinya aja ya, penyakit tsb berasal dr virus yg ditularkan melalui 
> gigitan nyamuk.
> Karena penyebabnya virus ya obatnya hanya stamina tubuh, gak mempan kalo 
> diobati antibiotik. Masa inkubasi 5-15 hari, tdk ditularkan melalui 
> binatang lain ato manusia
> Selain itu nyamuknya cuma ada di jepang jadi jauh dr indonesia :D
> send from my ALSA ~smartphone~
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Emma" <>
> Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 15:16:57
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Hati2 Demam Pada Anak
> mba,apa nggak ada terjemahan bahasa indonesianya.sorry aq masih blum fasih
> dalam mengartikan bahasa
> inggris.
> Kemaren aja maksud hati mau ngetik Teteh malah jadi The.....
> Tx
> Emma
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "boedoet" <>
> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 12:41 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Hati2 Demam Pada Anak
>> dari wed
>> kalau sudah baca ini, gak perlu parno lagi dunk mbak hehe
>> *Questions and Answers About Japanese Encephalitis*       *Q. How is
>> Japanese encephalitis transmitted?
>> A.* By rice field breeding mosquitoes (primarily the *Culex
>> tritaeniorhynchus* group) that become infected with Japanese encephalitis
>> virus (a flavivirus antigenically related to St. Louis encephalitis
>> virus).
>> *Q. How do people get Japanese encephalitis?
>> A.* By the bite of mosquitoes infected with the Japanese encephalitis
>> virus.
>> *Q. What is the basic transmission cycle?
>> A.* Mosquitoes become infected by feeding on domestic pigs and wild birds
>> infected with the Japanese encephalitis virus. Infected mosquitoes then
>> transmit the Japanese encephalitis virus to humans and animals during the
>> feeding process. The Japanese encephalitis virus is amplified in the 
>> blood
>> systems of domestic pigs and wild birds.
>> *Q. Could you get the Japanese encephalitis from another person?
>> A. *No, Japanese encephalitis virus is NOT transmitted from
>> person-to-person. For example, you cannot get the virus from touching or
>> kissing a person who has the disease, or from a health care worker who 
>> has
>> treated someone with the disease.
>> *Q. Could you get Japanese encephalitis from animals other than domestic
>> pigs, or from insects other than mosquitoes?
>> A.* No. Only domestic pigs and wild birds are carriers of the Japanese
>> encephalitis virus.
>> *Q. What are the symptoms of Japanese encephalitis?
>> A. *Mild infections occur without apparent symptoms other than fever with
>> headache. More severe infection is marked by quick onset, headache, high
>> fever, neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, occasional
>> convulsions (especially in infants) and spastic (but rarely flaccid)
>> paralysis.
>> *Q. What is the incubation period for Japanese encephalitis?
>> A. *Usually 5 to 15 days.
>> *Q. What is the mortality rate of Japanese encephalitis?
>> A.* Case-fatality rates range from 0.3% to 60%.
>> *Q. How many cases of Japanese encephalitis occur in the world and the
>> U.S.?
>> A.* Japanese encephalitis is the leading cause of viral encephalitis in
>> Asia
>> with 30-50,000 cases reported annually. Fewer than 1 case/year is 
>> reported
>> in U.S. civilians and military personnel traveling to and living in Asia.
>> Rare outbreaks in U.S. territories in Western Pacific have occurred.
>> *Q. How is Japanese encephalitis treated?
>> A. *There is no specific therapy. Intensive supportive therapy is
>> indicated.
>> *Q. Is the disease seasonal in its occurrence?
>> A.* Seasonality of the illness varies by country (see
>> table<>
>> ).
>> *Q. Who is at risk for getting Japanese encephalitis?
>> A.* Residents of rural areas in endemic locations, active duty military
>> deployed to endemic areas, and expatriates who visit rural areas. 
>> Japanese
>> encephalitis does not usually occur in urban areas (see
>> table<>
>> ).
>> *Q. Where do Japanese encephalitis outbreaks occur?
>> A.* Japanese encephalitis outbreaks are usually circumscribed and do not
>> cover large areas. They usually do not last more than a couple of months,
>> dying out after the majority of the pig amplifying hosts have become
>> infected. Birds are the natural hosts for Japanese encephalitis. 
>> Epidemics
>> occur when the virus is brought into the peridomestic environment by
>> mosquito bridge vectors where there are pigs, which serve as 
>> amplification
>> hosts, infecting more mosquitoes which then may infect humans. Countries
>> which have had major epidemics in the past, but which have controlled the
>> disease primarily by vaccination, include China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and
>> Thailand. Other countries that still have periodic epidemics include Viet
>> Nam, Cambodia, Myanmar, India, Nepal, and Malaysia.
>> New! *Q. Who should be vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis?
>> A.* The statement of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
>> discusses use of the two available vaccines against JE virus. (See:
>> Centers
>> for Disease Control and Prevention. Japanese Encephalitis Vaccines,
>> Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
>> (ACIP),
>> Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Mar 12, 2010:
>> 59(01);1-27)<>There
>> are also Vaccine Information Statements that provide helpful
>> information on who should be vaccinates against Japanese encephalitis
>> virus.
>>   1. Vaccine Information Statement for Ixiaro Japanese
>> encephalitis<>
>>    [image: PDF icon](PDF 63 KB, 2 Pages)
>>   2. Vaccine Information Statement for JE-VAX Japanese
>> encephalitis<>
>>    [image: PDF icon](PDF 37 KB, 2 Pages)
>> *Q. Where can I get more information on Japanese encephalitis?
>> A.* See the CDC Japanese Encephalitis Home Page (
>> and CDC Health Information for Travelers to Southeast Asia (
>> 2010/3/13 Utami Astuti <>
>>> makin parno dech jadi orang tua nih.. ada2 aja penyakit jaman sekarang
>>> (baru
>>> denger soale)...  **geleng2**
>>> cara penanganannya apa ya yg bisa kita lakukan disamping medis juga?
>>> apakah
>>> trombosit turun juga? gejalanya selain kyk flu apa demamnya naik-turun
>>> juga
>>> kyk DBD?
>>> Mbak Kartika, dah pernah coba produk Switzal anti nyamuk? bau-nya kyk 
>>> bau
>>> daun sereh..
> --------------------------------------------------------------
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