Istilah medisnya, amniotic fluid embolisme, dimana sebagian ketuban, atau
zat2 lainnya dari dalam rahim, masuk ke dalam pembuluh darah ibu, bisa
menyebabkan kegagalan fungsi jantung dan paru dari si ibu.

Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is a rare obstetric emergency in which it is
postulated that amniotic fluid, fetal cells, hair, or other debris enter the
maternal circulation, causing cardiorespiratory collapse.

In 1941, Steiner and Luschbaugh described AFE for the first time after they
found fetal debris in the pulmonary circulation of women who died during

Current data from the National Amniotic Fluid Embolus Registry suggest that
the process is more similar to anaphylaxis than to embolism, and the
term *anaphylactoid
syndrome of pregnancy* has been suggested because fetal tissue or amniotic
fluid components are not universally found in women who present with signs
and symptoms attributable to

The diagnosis of AFE has traditionally been made at autopsy when fetal
squamous cells are found in the maternal pulmonary circulation; however,
fetal squamous cells are commonly found in the circulation of laboring
patients who do not develop the syndrome. In a patient who is critically
ill, a sample obtained by aspiration of the distal port of a pulmonary
artery catheter that contains fetal squamous cells is considered suggestive
of but not diagnostic of AFE
<javascript:showcontent('active','references');>The diagnosis is essentially
one of exclusion based on clinical presentation. Other causes of hemodynamic
instability should not be neglected.

For related information on pregnancy, see Medscape's
Pregnancy<>Resource Center.


The pathophysiology of AFE is poorly understood. Based on the original
description, it was theorized that amniotic fluid and fetal cells enter the
maternal circulation, possibly triggering an anaphylactic reaction to fetal
antigens. However, fetal material is not always found in the maternal
circulation in patients with AFE, and material of fetal origin is often
found in women who do not develop AFE.

Benson et al3 <javascript:showcontent('active','references');>
<javascript:showcontent('active','references');>tested 2 hypotheses
concerning the pathophysiology of AFE: (1) Clinical symptoms result from
mast cell degranulation with the release of histamine and tryptase, or (2)
Clinical symptoms result from activation of the complement pathway. Nine
women with AFE were compared with 22 women with normal labors. Serum from
patients with AFE was collected within 14 hours of symptom onset and frozen.
Urine was collected within 12-24 hours after symptom onset. Control patients
had complement levels measured on admission, during labor, and the day after

Six of the 9 women with AFE died, and all 9 required blood transfusions for
disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Seven women had no evidence of
mast cell degranulation (ie, either urinary histamine or serum tryptase).
Compared with postpartum control patients, complement levels in the AFE
group were severely depressed. C3 in the AFE group was 44 compared with
117.2 in the postpartum group. C4 was 10.7 in the AFE group versus 29.4 in
the postpartum group. These differences were statistically significant. This
suggests that complement activation may play an important role in the
pathophysiology of AFE.

Farrar and Gherman4 <javascript:showcontent('active','references');>
<javascript:showcontent('active','references');>reported the case of a
40-year-old multipara in active labor with acute onset of facial erythema,
seizures, hypoxia, cardiac arrest, DIC, and ultimately death. Fetal squames
and fibrin thrombi were found in the pulmonary tree at autopsy. Blood drawn
2 hours after symptom onset had a serum tryptase level of 4.7 ng/mL (normal
<1 ng/mL).

A case reported by Marcus et
<javascript:showcontent('active','references');>, in which AFE developed
after a spontaneous rupture of membranes, demonstrated no increase in mast
cells or degranulation in lung tissue as shown by Giemsa staining. Serum
tryptase levels were 11.4 ng/mL (normal <11.4 ng/mL).

The initiating event is poorly understood. However, usually during labor or
other procedure, amniotic fluid and debris, or some as yet unidentified
substance, enters the maternal circulation; this may trigger a massive
anaphylactic reaction, activation of the complement cascade, or both.
Progression usually occurs in 2 phases. In phase I, pulmonary artery
vasospasm with pulmonary hypertension and elevated right ventricular
pressure cause hypoxia. Hypoxia causes myocardial capillary damage and
pulmonary capillary damage, left heart failure, and acute respiratory
distress syndrome. Women who survive these events may enter phase II. This
is a hemorrhagic phase characterized by massive hemorrhage with uterine
atony and DIC; however, fatal consumptive coagulopathy may be the initial

Frequency United States

Incidence of AFE is estimated at 1 case per 8,000-30,000 pregnancies. The
true incidence is unknown because of inaccurate diagnoses and inconsistent
reporting of nonfatal cases.

Incidence is similar to that of the United States.

   - Maternal mortality approaches 80%.
   - Mortality was 61% in the US national registry, which listed 46 cases.
   - AFE is the cause of 5-10% of maternal mortality in the United States.
   - Of patients with AFE, 50% die within the first hour of onset of
   symptoms. Of survivors of the initial cardiorespiratory phase, 50% develop a
   - A population-based study using the California Office of Statewide
   Planning and Development database reviewed 1,094,248 deliveries over a
   2-year period. Of 53 cases of AFE, 14 patients (26.4%) died and 35 patients
   (66%) developed DIC.6 <javascript:showcontent('active','references');>
   - The United Kingdom AFE registry reports a mortality of 37%. Of those
   who survived AFE, 7% were neurologically
   - Survival is uncommon, although the prognosis is improved with early
   recognition and prompt resuscitation. Most women who survive have permanent
   neurologic impairment. Neonatal survival was 79% in the US registry and 78%
   in the UK registry.


No racial or ethnic predilection exists.

AFE only occurs in women.

Advanced maternal age may be a risk factor. No relationship to age has been
found in the National Amniotic Fluid Embolus Registry; however, at least one
study has noted an increased incidence in women aged 30 years and
Clinical History

Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) usually occurs during labor but has occurred
during abortion, after abdominal trauma, and during amnioinfusion.

A woman in the late stages of labor becomes acutely dyspneic with
hypotension; she may experience seizures quickly followed by cardiac arrest.
Massive DIC-associated hemorrhage follows and then death. Most patients die
within an hour of onset.

Currently no definitive diagnostic test exists. The United States and United
Kingdom AFE registries recommend the following 4 criteria, all of which must
be present to make the diagnosis of

   1. Acute hypotension or cardiac arrest
   2. Acute hypoxia
   3. Coagulopathy or severe hemorrhage in the absence of other explanations
   4. All of these occurring during labor, cesarean
delivery<>, dilation
   and evacuation, or within 30 minutes postpartum with no other explanation of


In case reports, patients are described as developing acute shortness of
breath, sometimes with a cough, followed by severe hypotension. The
following signs and symptoms are indicative of possible AFE:

   - Hypotension: Blood pressure may drop significantly with loss of
   diastolic measurement.
   - Dyspnea: Labored breathing and tachypnea may occur.
   - Seizure: Tonic clonic seizures are seen in 50% of patients.
   - Cough: This is usually a manifestation of dyspnea.
   - Cyanosis: As hypoxia/hypoxemia progresses, circumoral and peripheral
   cyanosis and changes in mucous membranes may manifest.
   - Fetal bradycardia: In response to the hypoxic insult, fetal heart rate
   may drop to less than 110 beats per minute (bpm). If this drop lasts for 10
   minutes or more, it is a bradycardia. A rate of 60 bpm or less over 3-5
   minutes may indicate a terminal bradycardia.
   - Pulmonary edema: This is usually identified on chest radiograph.
   - Cardiac arrest
   - Uterine atony: Uterine atony usually results in excessive bleeding
   after delivery. Failure of the uterus to become firm with bimanual massage
   is diagnostic.
   - Coagulopathy or severe hemorrhage in absence of other explanation (DIC
   occurs in 83% of patients.)9<javascript:showcontent('active','references');>
   - Altered mental status/confusion/agitation


AFE is considered an unpredictable and unpreventable event with an unknown
cause. In the national registry, 41% of patients had a history of

Reported risk factors for development of AFE include multiparity, advanced
maternal age, male fetus, and trauma. In a retrospective review of a 12-year
period encompassing 180 cases of AFE, of which 24 were fatal, medical
induction of labor increased the risk of
<javascript:showcontent('active','references');>In the same study, AFE was
positively associated with multiparity, cesarean section or operative
vaginal delivery, abruption, placenta previa, and cervical laceration or
uterine rupture.

2010/9/15 Dwi Chahya <>

>  Mom & Dad,
> Pagi ini dapat cerita dari temen, sodaranya bis ngelahirin sempet koma &
> terus akhirnya meninggal di lebaran ke-2.
> Usianya 42 thn, kehamilannya yg ke-3 ini gak disengaja, cos masih dalam
> keadaan KB Spiral.
> Jadi tau2 pas periksa sudah hamil 4 bln. Selama hamil sering pendarahan.
> Awal sept akhirnya di cesar walopun usia kandungannya baru 7 bln. Tp setelah
> selesai langsung koma.
> Sepertinya dia kesakitan sekali.
> Suspect awalnya pembuluh darah di kepala pecah, tp ternyata air ketuban
> masuk ke pembuluh darah
> sampe ke jantung & otaknya. Ktnya kasusnya ini termasuk langka, prosentase
> kejadian 80rb : 1
> mana’ anaknya ceweq, secara 2 anaknya cowok semua.
> Sy sedih denger ceritanya.
> InsyaAllah ibu itu meninggal sbg syahid. Amin YRA
> temen2 yg tau & punya artikel tentang kasus yg sama mohon di share donk.
> Rgd,
> Dwi CH [Aldi, Wisnu & Bintang Mom]

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