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10 Terrific Toddler Tips
by: Michelle Gonzalez
The earliest years of your child's life are full of excitement, 
discovery, and learning. Each behavior, and the parents reaction to 
that behavior, teach your child something new. Think of your new baby 
as a crisp, white canvas; and you are holding a palette covered with 
all the colors of the rainbow. How you choose to begin your painting 
will determine the finished masterpiece. Each stroke tells a story, 
becomes a memory, and encourages or discourages a behavior. 

1 - Don't wait until your baby becomes a Toddler to begin planning the 
direction of your brushstrokes. From birth, your child is watching 
you and learning. Every move, every sound becomes part of his 
experience. It's never too late to modify behavior. Just remember 
that it's more difficult and takes more time to change behavior once 
it's been learned. 

2 - Babies need lots of love and attention, but offering attention 
only when your child cries is only going to result in more crying. 
Spend as much time as possible with your baby during the day giving 
age appropriate attention (holding and singing to your baby, playing 
simple games, etc.). Reward positive behavior and discourage negative 
behavior. If your child wakes from a nap and you hear him stirring, 
remove him before he begins to cry. Waiting until the child cries 
ensures that he will cry sooner the next time. If he's already begun 
to cry, wait outside the door for a moment until there's a "lull", 
then enter. Your child will perceive that you entered during a quiet 
moment. Obviously there are times when a child is hysterical and you 
won't wait, and that's okay. Just use your best judgment. 

3 - It's interesting to watch how new parents and parents with 
several children react to similar situations. Watch kids at a 
playground, inevitably someone will get sand in their eye, trip over 
a bucket, or scrape a knee. Many first time parents react strongly; 
twisting their face into surprise and horror, and running a marathon 
sprint to scoop the child from danger. Experienced parents react in a 
completely different way. Have you ever noticed that often a child 
won't cry until he looks up and sees his mother's face? If you can 
remain calm, chances are your child will stay calm also. The benefits 
are twofold. First, you will have less hysterics after the inevitable 
bump and bruise. Second, you'll know by your child's reaction when he 
is really hurt. 

4 - Any parent who has had a whiny child knows that nothing racks the 
nerves more than a constant high pitched whine. When my first son was 
a toddler, we used to joke that we lived in a fire station. We never 
knew when the next "emergency" would hit and the alarm would sound. 
One day, I decided to try something new. Instead of pandering to my 
little fire alarm by rushing frantically to find out what he wanted, 
I kneeled right down, looked him in the eye and said, "Devon, Mommy's 
ears don't hear that voice. When you use your nice voice, Mommy will 
listen." I'd like to say it worked right away, but it didn't. 
However, once I turned my back and he realized I really wasn't paying 
attention to him, the whining stopped. After a few weeks, the whining 
ceased altogether. 

5 - Time out's are very important. They should not be viewed as 
punishment, but rather as a treatment for the symptoms of negative 
behavior. A time out is simply removing your child from the stimulus 
that is affecting his behavior in a negative way. For a cranky baby 
at a party, this can mean moving temporarily to a quieter room. You 
may find that for a two year old, moving to another room, simply 
explaining the reason and holding him in your arms for a short period 
of time works well. If you have an older toddler who is exhibiting 
negative behavior, try removing him from the situation, holding him 
snugly, and explaining how you want his behavior to change. Most kids 
don't want to be "restricted", so I find this works wonders as a 
temporary behavior modification. 

6 - Don't skip nap time. Children really do need their sleep, and any 
change in routine is likely to result in unwanted behavior. Try to 
plan grocery shopping, visits with friends and trips around your 
child's schedule. Recognizing that you and your child will suffer if 
you drastically alter his schedule is an important step towards 
understanding him and his needs. 

7 - Shopping with toddlers. I realized early on that kids recognize 
at a young age that what is in the shopping basket when you reach the 
counter, goes home with you. It's very tempting to buy your child a 
small toy, book or candy each time you go to the store. This keeps 
him happy, temporarily. It also rewards him for begging, just in the 
way a puppy fed scraps from a table learns that the bigger fuss he 
makes, the more food he's going to get. Try a new strategy, buy small 
items on occasion when you child isn't with you, then surprise him 
periodically with a small gift. Once he learns that he still receives 
the occasional new toy or book, but doesn't get it directly from the 
store, your shopping trips will be much easier. Do allow your child 
to help you shop. Ask him to help with simple things, point to the 
milk, pick the best batch of bananas, etc. 

8 - Don't forget to praise positive behavior. Parents are often so 
relieved when their toddler is playing quietly, that they don't want 
to disturb the peace by intervening. However, this is the perfect 
time to sit and play with your child, and tell him how happy you are 
that he's playing so nicely with his toys. Remember that to a small 
child, attention is attention. Particularly if you are very busy 
during the day, or he shares attention with a group of other kids, he 
needs one on one attention from you. If he doesn't get it when he 
plays quietly, he'll be much more likely to act out in order to get 
your attention. Negative attention is still attention in a child's 

9 - Keep the rules simple and consistent. As I described earlier, 
your child is just waiting for you to color his world. Children can 
begin to learn rules such as picking up toys and talking quietly at 
the table very early. Try to make rules fun if possible, but be 
consistent. Insist that the toys already on the floor are picked up 
before he takes more toys out of the box. Model the behavior you want 
your child to pick up, such as putting the newspaper in the 
appropriate place before you choose a book to read. Verbalize your 
actions, "Mommy is putting away the newspaper so she can get her book 
out, can you put away your truck before you play with the crayons?" 

10 - Relax. Enjoy this time, and enjoy the parenting experience. 
Realize that everyone has their own ideas of how to parent, and you 
do need to find your own way. Remember that humans have been 
successfully parenting for many thousands of years without the 
benefit of child psychologists, books on parenting and age charts 
describing when your child should eat solid foods, sit up, walk and 
talk. Just as all parents are different, so are children. They will 
reach milestones when it's their time. Treasure your little gifts, 
for there is no more important, or rewarding job than raising the 
next generation. 

Michelle Gonzalez may be contacted at 
Michelle Gonzalez is the editor of both and . A mother of three, she enjoys writing 
articles as well as poems and stories in her spare time. Her passions 
around childrens literacy and good parenting led her to create her 
two successful ezines.

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