Dear Mbak Selvi,

Saya yakin antibiotik yg diberikan oleh dr : Cefat (bukan Cafet).
Cefat (golongan cephalosporin) ini termasuk jenis anitbiotik Broad
Spectrum. Artinya membunuh semua jenis bakteri didalam tubuh. Ini berarti
juga bakteri-bakteri baik yg banyak didalam tubuh kita & sangat bermanfaat
buat kita ikut dibunuh. Ibaratnya, antibiotik jenis ini spt BOM nuklir.
Disarankan utk menghindari jenis antibiotik ini. Detail lain dari side
effectnya cefspan ini saya drop di artikel Mayo dibawah ini. Duh serem deh
kalo dibaca efek sampingnya. Mulai dari hipersensitivitas sampe dg
pendarahan pada saluran cerna.

Saya suggest sih utk stop aja obat ini.
PErcayalah bahwa batuk pilek penyebabnya virus yg notabene gak bisa
dibunuh dg antibiotik. Pemberian ab justru akan mematikan bakteri2 baik
dalam tubuh. Dan WHO ataupun CDC ataupun AAP sendiri sudah mengeluarkan
statement bahwa antibiotik sama sekali TIDAK dapat digunakan utk batuk

Saya posting ya artikelnya.
Oya puyernya sisi apa aja kalo boleh tau.

Sefadroksil monohidrat.
Infeksi saluran pernafasan, infeksi kulit dan jaringan lunak, dan infeksi
saluran kemih & kelamin, osteomielitis (radang sumsum tulang), artritis
(radang sendi), septikemia (keracunan darah oleh bakteri patogenik dan
atau zat-zat yang dihasilkan oleh bakteri tersebut), peritonitis (radang
selaput perut), sepsis puerperalis (reaksi umum disertai demam karena
kegiatan bakteri, zat-zat yang dihasilkan bakteri, atau kedua-duanya pada
saat sedang nifas).
Hipersensitif terhadap Sefalosporin.
Pasien yang alergi Penisilin.
Gangguan fungsi ginjal.
Interaksi obat : aminoglikosida, diuretika poten, dan Probenesid.

Rasa tidak enak pada saluran pencernaan, hipersensitivitas, kolitis
pseudomembranosa, gatal-gatal pada alat kelamin, neutropenia sedang yang
bersifat sementara, peningkatan ringan serum transaminase, superinfeksi.
Nama lain : Cefadroxil monohidrate / cephalosporins (systematic)

Dari :

Cephalosporins (sef-a-loe-SPOR-ins) are used in the treatment of
infections caused by bacteria. They work by killing bacteria or preventing
their growth. Cephalosporins are used to treat infections in many
different parts of the body. They are sometimes given with other
antibiotics. Some cephalosporins given by injection are also used to
prevent infections before, during, and after surgery. However,
cephalosporins will not work for colds, flu, or
other virus infections.

Other medical problems

The presence of other medical problems may affect the use of
cephalosporins. Make sure you tell your doctor if you have any other
medical problems, especially:
a.  Bleeding problems, history of (cefamandole, cefditoren, cefoperazone,
and cefotetan only)-These medicines may increase the chance of bleeding
b.  Carnitine, low levels-Cefditoren may cause carnitine levels to
decrease further.
c.  Kidney disease-Some cephalosporins need to be given at a lower dose to
people with kidney disease. Also, cephalothin, and cefuroxime especially,
may increase the chance of kidney damage
d.  Liver disease (cefoprazone and cefuroxime)-Cefoperazone needs to be
given at a lower dose to people with liver disease. Condition may be
worsened by cefuroxime use.
e.  Phenylketonuria-Cefprozil oral suspension contains phenylalanine
f.  Poor nutritional status-these may be worsened by cefuroxime and you
may need to have vitamin K Stomach or gastrointestinal disease, history of
(especially colitis, including colitis caused by antibiotics, or
enteritis)-Cephalosporins may cause colitis in some patients

Antibiotics should not be taken for colds, most coughs and sore throats.
This is the key message in a publicity campaign launched by the Department
of Health, Social Services and Public Safety.

The aim of the campaign, which features a cartoon capsule character called
Andy Biotic, is to try to reduce the inappropriate use of antibiotics. The
campaign will include radio adverts, leaflet inserts in newspapers,
advertising in shopping centres and at bus stops; leaflets will also be
available in GP surgeries, pharmacies and other public outlets. Stressing
the importance of the campaign, Chief Medical Officer, Dr Henrietta
Campbell, said: "This campaign carries a very important message. If we do
not limit the prescribing of antibiotics for minor complaints, they will
eventually lose their effectiveness against many illnesses.

"Bacteria are very clever and can adapt to become resistant to
antibiotics. This means that antibiotics are becoming less effective at
fighting many infections. This is already beginning to happen and is of
particular concern to many health professionals who are working to reduce
the level of infection in our hospitals and residential homes. Vulnerable
patients may need antibiotics more than most to fight infections which is
why the fewer antibiotics taken earlier in life holds patients in good

"The objective of this campaign is to make patients aware that most
coughs, sore throats and colds do not need antibiotic treatment, but can
be managed with simple remedies while they run their natural course. This
can be up to a week for sore throats and longer for colds and chesty

Dr Campbell went on to say: "My message to patients is, antibiotics should
not be taken for simple coughs, sore throats and colds. Do not expect your
doctor to prescribe antibiotics for these minor complaints, which are
usually viral ailments.


This is the fourth time this campaign has been run; the first occasion
being in the winter of 1999. It aims to support health professionals in
their management of patients with acute upper respiratory tract infections
or sore throats by reducing patients’ expectations for an antibiotic
prescription from their GP.

There has been a marked reduction in antibiotic prescribing in Northern
Ireland over the last five years which indicates that the message is being
driven home, both to health professionals and the public. Figures indicate
that there are currently 15% fewer prescriptions being written for
antibiotic drugs than there were in 1998. The actual numbers of such
prescriptions have dropped by over 325,000 p.a. in that time.

The campaign also encourages patients to seek advice from community
pharmacists on safe and appropriate symptomatic relief. In addition the
campaign explains that antibiotics will also kill the "good bacteria" that
will help to keep us all healthy.

Hidung "Meler"
dan ingus berwarna hijau atau kuning)

Anak anda mengalami hidung "meler. Ini lazim yang dialami
selama "common cold" (batuk pilek ringan) dan akan berhenti dengan
sendirinya. Berikut fakta seputar batuk pilek ringan & hidung meler.
Apakah penyebab hidung meler ?
Ketika kuman penyebab colds (virus) menginfeksi hidung dan
sinus, hidung akan memproduksi lendir. Lendir ini membersihkan
hidung & sinus dari kuman tsb. Setelah 2 atau 3 hari, sel-sel imun
tubuh akan membunuh kuman tsb, mengubahnya menjadi lendir
berwarna putih atau kuning. Di dalam hidung terdapat bakteri baik.
Ia juga ada di dalam lendir. Bakteri ini akan mengubah lendir menjadi
berwarna kehijauan. Kondisi ini normal & bukan berarti anak butuh

Apa yang harus dilakukan ?
? Perawatan terbaik adalah menunggu & perhatikan kondisi anak.
Gangguan hidung, batuk dan gejala lainnya seperti demam, pusing,
ngilu pada sendi, semua itu terasa mengganggu. Namun demikian
antibiotik TIDAK akan membuatnya lebih cepat sembuh.
? Penggunaan vaporizer (penguapan) atau garam nasal drop membantu anak
lebih nyaman
saltwater nose drops makes their child feel better.

Perlukah antibiotik untuk hidung meler ?
Antibiotik dibutuhkan jika dokter mendiagnosis anak terkena
sinusitis. Dokter biasanya meresepkan obat atau memberikan
tips bagaimana menolong anak dengan gejala "colds" seperti
demam dan batuk, tetapi antibiotik TIDAK dibutuhkan untuk
mengobati hidung meler.
Bagaimana jika antibiotik tetap diberikan ?
Minum antibiotik saat tidak dibutuhkan adalah BERBAHAYA.
Tiap kali kita meminum antibiotik (AB), maka kuman-kuman di
hidung & tenggorokan beresiko menjadi resisten. Kuman yang
resisten tidak dapat dibunuh oleh antibiotik manapun.
Akibatnya jika anak butuh AB, ia butuh AB jenis kuat dan
harus dimasukkan lewat jarum suntik. Atau butuh rawat inap di
karena hal ini. Karena hidung meler akan akan sembuh dengan
sendirinya, maka sebaiknya jangan minum AB dan gunakan hanya
saat dibutuhkan.

(Ditranslate oleh Luluk-Alyssa's mom)

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