wahhh ebat pak wirza..... masih jarang lhoo di indonesia breasfeeding father....
saya nggak tau "sedahsyat" apa ASI itu..
saya cuma tau asi itu the best karunia Tuhan yg tidak bisa diganti oleh apapun...... asi murah? jelas dong pak ehhehe at no cost kok (kecuali asupan makanan sang ibu harus baik) dan kalo kata pelawak API, asi itu bisa dibawa kemana2 ehehhehe praktis kan??

saya punya sedikit info ttg asi...
dari Department of Nursing:
Children's and Women's Services/OB-GYN Patient Education Committee
Children's Hospital of Iowa

Advantages of Breastfeeding for the Baby

 a.. Breast milk is the ideal food for the baby.
 b.. Breast milk is easy to digest and absorb, causing less colic.
 c.. The iron in breast milk is utilized more readily.
 d.. Breast milk changes to meet the needs of the growing baby.
e.. Breast milk contains substances that promote nervous system development and brain growth. f.. Breastfed babies have fewer allergies. In families with a history of allergies, breast-fed babies experience less asthma, food allergies and eczema. g.. Breastfed babies have fewer illnesses, such as ear infections, colds, flu and GI upset. They also have fewer doctor visits and hospitalizations, because of the special protective factors in breast milk. h.. Breast milk may help babies to respond better to vaccines, as antibody levels have been found to be higher in breastfed babies at 7 and 12 months.
 i.. Breastfeeding may decrease SIDS (crib death).
Advantages of Breastfeeding for the Mother

 a.. Breastfeeding is inexpensive.
 b.. Breastfeeding is always available.
c.. With breastfeeding, there is nothing to mix, measure, or heat, and no bottles to wash.
 d.. Breastfeeding makes nighttime feedings quick and easy.
 e.. Breastfeeding makes travel with baby easier.
 f.. Breastfeeding promotes attachment between mother and baby.
g.. With breastfeeding, there is often less vaginal bleeding after delivery. h.. Breastfeeding promotes a faster return of uterus to its pre-pregnant size.
 i.. Breastfeeding can help with weight loss.
j.. Breastfeeding may decrease ovarian cancer and premenopausal breast cancer. ----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 9:23 AM
Subject: [balita-anda] ASI

Dear Moms and Mads,

ada nggak ya yang punya artikel tentang "kedahsyatan ASI", karena saya
termasuk yang percaya sama ASI, sehingga my  Naufal ( 8 bulan), sampai
sekarang terus kami beri ASI boleh dibilang 24 hours. Saya cuma mau tau,
karena di sini banyak moms yang khawatir sekali dengan balitanya, terutama
musim flu burung ini. Satu lagi,  jaman dulu juga telat2 dikit imunisasi
kayaknya nggak masalah tuh dan balitanya sehat2 semua. Jadi kalau ada
artikel yang sependapat dengan pikiran saya bahwa ASI adalah makanan yang
terbaik yang diberikan oleh Tuhan murah meriah dan manjur. Atau ada
artikel lain, yang mengatakan sebaliknya,  bagaimana mbak Intan ?

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