kalau artikel ini gimandang pak?

masih tergelitik juga> nanti saya bantu gelitikan bapak deh....

omong2, kapan keluar dari got? :P~

Kids and caffeine: How much is too much?
BY ERIN ANDERSEN / Lincoln Journal Star

Many of our kids are buzzed before they get to school. Throughout the day they feed the buzz- at lunch, between classes, after school, at dinner and maybe a pick-me-up before homework or sports. Yet most parents don't bat an eye.
           Photo illustration by Ted Kirk

Caffeine is the socially accepted drug of choice when it comes to youth of all ages - toddler to teen. Most parents figure a couple of cans of pop, a candy bar or even an iced cappuccino in moderation can't hurt a kid.

That's true. But our notion of "moderation" is growing as companies sell pop in 20-ounce bottles instead of 12-ounce cans, as restaurants encourage people to supersize for a better deal, as schools and recreation centers install vending machines for added revenue, and as wanna-be superstars, youths emulate their role models by downing energy drinks for that extra boost in performance.

Yet, doctors and nutritionists say "moderation" for kids and caffeine means about two 6-ounce cups of coffee a day for teens, and less than one 12-ounce can of Mountain Dew for younger kids.

Although there is no agreement on just how much caffeine is acceptable, some experts suggest no more than 100 mg a day, depending upon the age of the child. The younger the child, the less caffeine should be allowed. According to health and fitness guru Bob Greene's Web site -www.getwiththeprogram.org - daily caffeine limits by age should be 45 mg for 4-to 6-year-olds; 63 mg for 7- to 9- year-olds and 85 mg for 10- to 12- year-olds. Adults should limit themselves to 300 mg a day - about the amount in three cups of coffee, according to Greene's Web site.

Many pediatricians and dietitians will tell you the best amount of caffeine for kids is none at all.


But try convincing our kids of that.

The problem is no one really knows just how much caffeine our kids are consuming, said Dr. Stephen Daniels, professor and associate chairman of the department of pediatrics at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center.

A decade-old study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's research service found a threefold increase in soda consumption among teen boys from 1974 to 1994. Among 6- to 11-year-olds, soda consumption doubled between 1974 and 1994.

Virtually everyone agrees that soda consumption among kids has skyrocketed since then.

"It does seem that because children are consuming more soft drinks, that they are getting more added sugar and more caffeine," Daniels said.

He blames vending machines in schools as well as larger portion sizes for some of that increase.

The problems created by all this caffeine consumption are multiple.

First, there are the normal effects of caffeine. It's a mild stimulant that affects the central nervous system, which is why so many adults drink coffee to wake up or become alert.

But too much caffeine can cause nervousness, irritability, insomnia, headaches and dizziness, according to Eric Chudler Neuroscience for Kids, a Washington State University-based Web site. Too much caffeine can reduce attention spans and decrease a child's ability to perform tasks requiring fine motor coordination, arithmetic skills or accurate timing.

Caffeine is quick-acting. Often people feel its effects within 15 minutes. Once in the body, it takes about six hours to eliminate just half of the caffeine.

For kids - whose bodies are smaller and weigh less - the effects are increased.

In addition to the stimulant effects, caffeine also is a diuretic, which means it increases urination. That can lead to dehydration - particularly on hot summer days - if people drink excess amounts of caffeinated beverages without replenishing themselves with water, according to the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.

As with adults, kids can become dependent on caffeine - needing more and more of it to get the same desired effects.

Although much research has been done on caffeine's effects on adults, particularly in fertility, pregnancy and heart issues, few studies have looked at the effects of caffeine on growing bodies of children and teens, Widga said.

What is known is that too much caffeine can cause a loss of calcium and magnesium from the body - both are vital for bone development, Widga said.

And often, if kids are drinking pop or coffee, it means they are drinking less milk, as well as filling up on sugar and "empty calories" as opposed to nutritional foods, such as fruits and vegetables.

"If they are drinking pops and other things instead of milk, it doubles their issue for bone loss," Widga said.

It also increases their risk of obesity. According to the Nemours Foundation, a child who drinks just one 12-ounce sweetened soft drink per day, increases his or her risk of obesity by 60 percent.

"Another thing doctors are wondering about is the possibility that excess caffeine consumption problems may not reveal themselves until these kids are adults," Widga said.

She wonders if doctors will see increasing incidents of osteoporosis and high blood pressure at younger ages because of all the caffeine kids are consuming at younger ages.

New evidence indicates caffeine consumption may actually be the cause of high blood pressure in kids, according to Daniels.

Which is one reason why doctors and even marketers say the new drinks charged with caffeine, sugar and taurine are not appropriate for children. The drinks are targeted to a young adult male crowd, but their cool cans and even cooler advertising make them an irresistible temptation to younger kids who want to excel in the physical activities of their choice. Pop singer Britney Spears likes to mix Red Bull and apple juice to pump her up before concerts.

France has banned some energy drinks. Other European countries require warning labels on the drinks telling people about the caffeine content.

Currently there are no rules or labeling requirements in the United States, and any kid can buy a can of Red Bull, Amp or Monster as long as he or she has enough pocket change for these pricey but alluring energy drinks.

Officially, U.S. pediatricians have not taken a uniform stand on kids' caffeine consumption. But more and more they are recommending kids avoid it or, at the very least, that parents restrict it in their diets - especially in light of new studies of kids, caffeine and sleep.

One study found "detectable ill effects on health" after monitoring the sleep patterns of seventh-, eighth-, and ninth-graders and their caffeine consumption. The study found that teens tended to increase their caffeine use after Wednesday and continued to peak through Saturday, then declined - which according to the American Academy of Pediatrics partially supports the hypothesis that teens sometimes use caffeine to counteract daytime sleepiness from sleep lost on school nights.

Other studies have found that caffeine intake can delay sleep. Or perhaps worse, allows young drinkers to fall asleep but not sleep soundly.

"Over time that lack of sleep will have a downside for sure," Widga said.

Said Daniels, "The best approach is to try to avoid caffeine. If it is consumed by children, it should be in moderation."

Reach Erin Andersen at 473-7217 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Weaning kids off
the caffeine habit

----- Original Message ----- From: "Zikri, Rafif" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] tanya, fungsi kopi

Thanks artikelnya..
Sebenarnya masih ada yang menggelitik..., asumsi saya adalah anak umur
diatas 1 tahun...., kalo diartikel ini merupakan penelitian caffein
untuk premature infants, jadi sebenarnya masih belum related

"Sleep apnea is a condition characterized by cessation in breathing
and sometimes occurs in premature infants. Doctors often use caffeine
to treat and prevent sleep apnea in preterm infants. However, there is
a growing concern over caffeine's effects on a baby's circulatory

Researchers in Germany analyzed the effects of caffeine on cardiac
output, specifically studying the effects on arteries in the brain and
intestines. Researchers gave 16 preterm infants an initial dose of 25
milligrams of caffeine over a period of 15 to 20 minutes. Researchers
performed various studies to gather data, immediately before doctors
administered the dosage as well as one and two hours after the
administration.  Of these included ultrasound and echocardiograms

asumsi saya preterm infants = premature infants....

On 11/18/05, Astuti Purwati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Aku setuju dengan mbak Intan,

Kalau kopi itu tidak terbukti bisa mencegah step.
Aku bahkan sudah mencoba browse untuk cari literature namun belum
mendapatkan artikel yang autentik tentang kegunaan kopi tersebut.

Jadi menurutku, sesuatu hal yang kita masih ragu kebenarannya jangan
dipercata dulu, apalagi kalau urusannya sama anak.
"Untuk anak kok coba-coba" (kata iklan .. Loch..).

Ini malah ada artikel yang mengatakan kalau caffein akan menyebabkan
penurunan aliran darah pada anak-anak.
Memang pada awalnya caffein digunakan untuk mencegah 'sleep apnea'
kondisi dimana balita susah bernafas bernafas.
Tetapi setelah diadakan penelitian secara lanjut oleh para ahli di
Jerman, ternyata kafeinitu akan menyebabkan gangguan aliran darah di
arteri pada otak. Ini link ke salah satu artikel itu.

Jadi mendingan gak usah aja deh kasih kopi..
Toh anak kita gak step kan..? Dan step itu sendiri jarang terjadi pada
balita yang mengalami demam sebenarnya.

Moga-moga bisa ngebantu nih sebagai pertimbangan.



Bundanya Barra (1.7 years)

-----Original Message-----
From: Zikri, Rafif [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 9:46 AM
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] tanya, fungsi kopi

rasanya pernah saya baca, kalo 1 sendok kopi sesekali aja malah
bagus...., untuk anak 1 tahun ke atas, bisa dishare artikel mengenai hal
ini ??

-abu alfatih-

On 11/17/05, intan dima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> tidak betul bu....
> kopi tidak terbukti bisa mencegah step...
> justru kopi bisa membahayakan sang bayi.... karena didalam kopi
> mengandung banyak sekali stimulan buat jantung....
> kopi akan membuat jantung bekerja lebih keras... kalau dibiasakan dari

> kecil, lama2 akan bermasalah pada jantungnya....
> kopi sama sekali tidak ada manfaatnya buat bayi dan anak2.....
> ----- Original Message -----
> To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
> Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005 4:10 PM
> Subject: [balita-anda] tanya, fungsi kopi
> >
> >
> > Moms n Dads,
> > saya mau tanya sedikit mengenai fungsi kopi, buat bayi kata orang2
> > bisa untuk mencegah step kalau mengalami panas tinggi, apa betul?
> > Mohon bantuan penerangannya, terima kasih
> >
> >
> >
> > ================
> > Kirim bunga, http://www.indokado.com Info balita:
> > http://www.balita-anda.com Stop berlangganan/unsubscribe dari milis
> > ini, e-mail ke:
> > Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ================
> Kirim bunga, http://www.indokado.com
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