Dear ibu2 & bapak2,
If you are able to understand (speaking or writing) English no matter in
which level you are, that means you can communicate among 400 million people
around the world. Just think the benefit of it !. You can improve not only
the knowledge of language but also science, technology, literature, news,
and millions of items written in English. 
The most important is to always get the motivation to learn the new
vocabularies since we have got the grammar starting from junior high school.
My children already have got this subject since the first year of elementary
school. They are really lucky to have this chance earlier than me. 
Of course we cannot be as fluent as American because it is not our language,
unless if we have experienced living abroad since we were a child. I always
try to communicate in English even with my Indonesian friends. With this
kind of method, we can decrease our mistakes in grammar and pronunciation
until we fell satisfy of having no mistake. So - Keep learning !! -
Demikian opini dari saya, semoga berguna untuk semuanya.
Untuk pak Johny - dan rekan2 - maaf saya kirim email mengenai ini lagi. I
hope this is the very end of discussion.
Terima kasih dan salam,

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, April 05, 1999 8:12 AM
> Subject:      RE: [balita-anda] OOT : Beautiful story-please read it
> Mbak Ica, bukan saya keberatan.  Syukur alhamdulillah kalau semua bahasa
> kita mengerti.  Tetapi kita tidak bisa meratakan begitu saja, karena tidak
> semua paham dengan bahasa yang kita memang mengerti akan artinya.  Rambut
> boleh sama-sama hitam, tetapi hitamnya belum tentu sama.
> Salam, 
>  << File: ATT151190.txt >> 

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