Danny & Tante Sylvi, thanks for this story.
All, please read on, we believe we can learn a good lesson from it.
Regards, Vincent & Ivana
Danny Iskandar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/02/99 02:06 GMT

To:   Luke McAnally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Marlon Prudencio
      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ana Liza Eufemio
      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Vincent Rainardi,
      [EMAIL PROTECTED], Hazel Canada
      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ramon Mendoza
Subject:  FW: Fw: Must read
> -----Original Message-----
> From:   Sylvia Iskandar [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:   Thursday, February 04, 1999 2:40 PM
> To:     Dominicus Danny Iskandar
> Subject:     Fw: Fw: Must read
> > >
> > >A little something for us to "digest"....
> > >Something that we all are quilty of.......forgetting how lucky we all
> > >,...are.
> > >
> > >
> > >-----Original Message-----
> > >Date: Tuesday, February 02, 1999 9:11 AM
> > >Subject: Must read
> > >
> > >
> > >>This is very very sad story from a friend ............
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>Wonder if any of you ever have the feeling that life is bad, real
> > >>bad...and you wish you are in another situation.  I admit I did
> > >>pretty often...I find life make things difficult for me, works sucks,
> > >>life sucks, everything seem to go wrong.... It was not until
> > >>that I totally changed my views about life.  After a conversation
> > >>one of my friend.
> > >>
> > >>He told me despite taking 2 jobs, and bring back barely above 1K per
> > >>month, he is happy as he is.  I wonder how he can be as happy as he
> > >>considering he have to skimp his life with the low pay to support a
> > >>pair of old-age parents, in-laws, wife, 2 daughters and the many
> > >>of a household. He explained that it was through one incident that he
> > >>saw in  India......
> > >>
> > >>That happened fews years ago when he was really feeling low and
> > >>touring India after a major setback.  He said that right in front of
> > >>his very eyes, he saw an Indian mother chopped of her child's right
> >
> > >>hand with a chopper. The helpness in the mother's eyes, the scream of
> > >>pain from the innocent 4 years old child haunted him until today.
> > >>may ask why did the mother do so, have the child been naughty, have
> > >>the child's hand been infected??
> > >>
> > >>No, it was done for to simple words --to beg.  The desperate mother
> > >>delibrately caused the child to be handicapped so that the child can
> > >>go out to the streets to beg.  I cannot accept how this could
> happened,
> > >>but it really did, just in another part of the world which I don't
> see.
> > >>Taken back by the scene, he dropped a small piece of bread he was
> > >>eating half-way.  And almost instantly, flock of 5 or 6 children
> > >>towards this small piece of  bread which was covered with sand,
> > >>robbing of bits from one another.  The natural reaction of hunger.
> > >>Striken by the happenings, he instructed his guide to drive him to
> > >>nearest bakery.  He arrived at two bakeries and bought every single
> > >>loaf of bread he found in the bakeries.  The owner is dumbfolded ,
> > >>willing sold everything.  He spent less than $100 to obtained about
> > >>400 loaf of bread (this is less than $0.25/per loaf) and spend
> > >>$100 to get daily necessities.  Off he went in the truck full of
> > >>into the streets.  As he distributed the bread and necessities to the
> > >>children (mostly handicapped) and a few adults, he received cheers n
> > >>bows from these unfortunate.  For the first time in life he wonder
> > >>people can give up their dignity for a loaf of bread which cost less
> > >>than $0.25.  He began to ask himself how fortunate he is as a
> > >>Singaporean.
> > >>
> > >>How fortunate he to be able to have a complete body, have a job, have
> > >>a family, have the chance to complain what food is nice what isn't,
> > >>have the chance to be clothed, have the many things that these people
> > >>in front of him are deprived of.....
> > >>
> > >>Now I begin to think and feel it, too.  Was my life really that bad?
> > >>Perhaps....no I should not bad at all.... What about you?  Maybe the
> > >>next time you think you are, think about the child who lost one hand
> > >>to beg on the streets.
> > >>

                                  n n n n

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