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Should my grandchild go to a speech therapist if she
Question:   My grandchild is 33 months old and has
started to stutter when talking. It is very
frustrating. What should we do? Should we take her to
a speech therapist? 
Dr. Dixon:    Most bright 3-year-olds have minds that
work faster than their mouths so they stumble over
words pretty regularly, particularly when tired,
excited or very impressed with a situation or event.
This is called developmental dysfluency, and it's
normal. Help your grandchild slow down to get her
meaning across, and do your best to guess at what she
wants to say. Don't demand a perfect utterance or her
frustration and difficulty will just increase. Real   
stuttering that I'd worry about usually involves
hesitancy on the initial sound of a word that is
present more often than it is absent, is very
prolonged, or causes the child some embarrassment. It
may also be accompanied by changes in voice pitch, eye
blinking, grimaces or other facial expressions that
indicate a struggle to speak. If these signs are
present, her primary health care provider, who should
be able to help you sort this out, and then a speech
therapist, should first evaluate your grandchild. I
love it when grandparents are really involved in
problem solving regarding young children. Share your
concerns and this answer with your grandchild's
parents and then ask them what further you can do to
help them. 

--- Susanti Hermin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hallo rekans,
> Wah udah tiga bulan lebih nih nggak ngikutin
> balita-anda jadi banyak yang
> ketinggalan, maklum baru masuk dari maternity leave.
> Jadi mohon maaf ya
> kalau pertanyaan saya sudah pernah dimuat
> sebelumnya.
> Ada titipan dari temen saya, anaknya umur 3th tapi
> kalau bicara agak gagap.
> Bisa satu kata di ulang-ulang sampai 4-5 kali. Mohon
> sharingnya kalo ada
> rekans yang mengalami masalah yang sama, dan
> kebetulan sekali kalau ada
> psikolog anak yang bisa memberi jalan keluarnya.
> Thanks a lot in advance,
> Ibu Dheaommie

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