Kalau mengenali gejala penyakit teman mbak itu saya
tidak bisa memberi masukan maklum bukan dokter, tapi
ada baiknya teman mbak cari second opinion dari dokter
lain, kalau bisa cari yang sudah terkenal teliti jadi
bisa diketahui penyebabnya misalnya dengan pemeriksaan
laboratorium atau periksa dalam. Ini saya dapatkan
artikel tentang kanker darah (leukemia), semoga

Mamanya Dafi

What It Is
Leukemia results from a change in the DNA in a single
cell in the bone marrow. The change in DNA that leads
to the development of leukemia is usually acquired
after birth and is not inherited in the classic sense.
This acquired change is referred to as a somatic
mutation and affects only one tissue in the body. If
the change in DNA is sufficient a malignant cell will
develop. If that change is in the bone marrow,
leukemia results, if in the kidney, a kidney tumor may
result and if in the lymph node cell, a lymphoma may
develop. The affected cell ransforms into a malignant
(leukemic) marrow cell and has a growth and survival
advantage in the marrow. Ultimately, it grows
uncontrollably and replaces normal marrow cells.
Depending on the cell type affected and the type of
DNA alteration(mutation), one of four major types of
leukemia develops: acute myelogenous, acute
lymphocytic, chronic myelogenous or chronic
lymphocytic leukemia. 
In acute leukemia, progression is rapid and the
leukemic cells replace the normal marrow cells and
enter the blood to varying degrees. As the normal
marrow function is depressed, insufficient red cells,
white cells and platelets are made and delivered to
the blood. Anemia develops, leading to easy fatigue,
weakness and pallor. A deficiency of white cells
heightens susceptibility to infection and the
inadequate numbers of platelets predisposes to
spontaneous bleeding or prolonged bleeding with slight
injury. Chronic leukemia progresses more slowly and
does not result in such severe deficiencies of
functioning blood cells. Chronic leukemias are treated
with different drugs and combinations of drugs than
are acute leukemias. 
The diagnosis requires measurement of the blood cell
counts and examination of the blood cells under a
microscope. These are standard tests in medical
diagnostic laboratories. It is often possible to
determine if leukemia is present and which of the four
major types of leukemia has developed. Usually, a
marrow examination is performed to verify the
diagnosis and obtain cells for chromosome analysis and
more detailed study of the cell types so that the
leukemia can be subtyped, if necessary. The specific
subtype and the nature of the chromosome changes may
provide important information about the approach to
The purpose of treatment is to induce a remission,
which represents the elimination of leukemic cells and
the restoration of normal blood cell production and
blood cell levels. The approach to treatment is
different for each major type of leukemia. Drug
therapy (chemotherapy) is the initial approach in most
patients. However, different drugs among the dozens
available are used to treat the four major types of
leukemia and some further adjustments are made with
more refined diagnosis of subtypes. Stem cell
transplantation is another modality of treatment,
which also can be applied in the four major types of
leukemia, when indicated and a donor is available. 
Hope For The Future
New drugs and new combination of drugs are continually
becoming available and tested in clinical trials to
learn if they provide a better outcome for patients.
Improvements in the use of stem cell transplantation
and techniques to broaden the availability of donors
and expand the ages at which transplantation may be
used are under study. New approaches using gene
therapy and immunotherapy are being developed and have
reached the level of clinical trials in patients in
some cases. 
--- "Mardhiana, Rahajeng"
> Trimakasih buat mamanya dafi yg telah memberi respon
> atas pertanyaan kami.
> sebenarnya kami ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang
> kanker darah.
> dan kami juga punya teman yg selalu mengeluh sakit
> pd perutnya. dia selalu
> check up kedokter dan katanya sakit maag. akan
> tetapi penyakit itu tak
> kunjung sembuh bahkan  sudah bertahun-2 tambah
> parah. jika kambuh sakit di
> perutnya, dia selalu merasa haus dan tubuhnya
> menggigil, ujung tangan dan
> kakinya jadi dingin sekali seperti es, dan badannya
> merasa lemas, perutnya
> mual dan muntah terus menerus.dia merasakan sesak
> didadanya dan sakit di ulu
> hatinya.segala cara telah dia lakukan tapi belum ada
> hasilnya. sampai-2 dia
> sering pingsan jika kambuh sakitnya. dia selalu
> mengikuti anjuran dokter
> untuk makan teratur dan tidak pernah membiarkan
> perutnya kosong dan dia
> selalu santai dalam berfikir karena dokter bilang
> penyakit maag mudah
> terjadi karena stess. kasihan sekali melihatnya,
> semakin hari kondisinya
> semakin lemah. saya khawatir dia mengidap penyakit
> lain, tapi dokternya
> tetap bilang sakit maag. mungkinkah ada yg tahu apa
> sebenarnya yg terjadi dg
> teman saya tersebut.
> terimakasih.

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