Mama Haza,
Silakan baca artikel di bawah ini, menurut saya karena
efeknya kurang baik, ya kembali lagi deh minum susu
sebelum ke kantor, lebih sehat dan lebih aman, jangan
ambil resiko sekecil apapun hanya demi 'rasa', kasihan
dong amanah yang dititipin di dalam itu...

Mamanya dafi

Diet for a Healthy Pregnancy 
Some foods are no-nos. Skip sushi, raw oysters, and
soft cheeses, to name a few.
You'll want to steer clear of raw seafood (such as
oysters or uncooked sushi),unpasteurized milk or soft
cheeses (such as brie or camembert), pate, and raw
or undercooked meat and poultry. All are possible
sources of bacteria that can harm an unborn child.
You'll be better off giving up that cocktail after
work, too. Too much drinking during pregnancy can
cause physical defects, learning disabilities, and    
      emotional problems in children, so many experts
recommend that you give up alcohol for your entire
pregnancy. (For non-alcoholic alternatives, see our
list of the best virgin drinks.)
And you might want to skip caffeinated beverages,
especially early on in your pregnancy. That may be a
snap for women who are suddenly revolted by the
stuff during their first trimester. But java junkies
beware: Some studies suggest that drinking more than
four cups of coffee a day can lead to miscarriage, low
birth weight, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Caffeine also lurks in teas, colas, other soft drinks,
cocoa, and chocolate. You can switch to decaf brews
and decaf sodas instead.
Better still, replace these nutritional losers with
healthy choices such as skim milk, 100 percent fruit
juice, or water with a squeeze of lemon. "I drank so
many diet Cokes a day it was embarrassing," says Marit
Sullivan of Evanston,Illinois, of her pre-pregnancy
life. "It was hard, but once I knew I was pregnant I
went cold turkey." 
(from Baby center)

--- "Sumarni, Iis AIS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dear netters....
> Saya lagi hamil anak kedua dengan usia kandungan
> baru 4,5 bulan.
> Akhir-akhir ini karena musim hujan dan udara dingin
> saya suka sekali
> minum kopi.
> Hampir tiap pagi sebelum berangkat ke kantor maunya
> minum kopi bukan
> munim susu.
> Saya mau tanya pada netters sekalian kira-kira
> bahaya ngga' yach, dan
> efek sampingannya apa untuk si janin.
> Terimakasih, dan saya tunggu informasinya.
> Salam 
> Mama Haza

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