saya juga jadi tertarik info fantomalt ini..karena anak saya susah makan dan nggak mau 
minum susu sama sekali :-(
saya coba cari di internet, dan call beberapa perusahaan.

tentang fantomalt, berikut saya kutip dari salat satu site :

Glucose Polymer (Maltodextrin) in powder form, which can be used as an energy source 
in diets for infants, children and adults, whenever a readily and easily absorbable 
carbohydrate is required

People may need extra protein:

Patients with increased requirements: Burns, multi-trauma.
Patients who do not eat enough.
Patients with diet restriction in protein and/or fat.
Maltodextrin as carbohydrate source Instant absorption comparable to that of glucose 
providing instant energy to patient
Lactose, sucrose, fructose and galactose free. Avoids Diarrhea, digestible also when 
lactase and sucrase activity is disturbed.
Low osmolarity To prevent osmotic diarrhea (20% solution: 190 mOsm/l, good tolerance 
by the patient.
Neutral taste Does not effect the flavor of well-known foods.Maltodextrin is only one 
third as sweet as sucrose.Can easily be mixed into various dishes or drinks without 
making them too sweet.
Easy to dissolve No Lumps, For easy implementation in kitchen routines without 
influencing the taste or appearance of dishes.

Analysis /100g

Average analysis  Per 100 g powder Diluted 20 g to 100ml
Energy  380 kcal  76
Carbohydrate g  95 19
Glucose g  2  0.4
Maltose 7 1.4
Polysaccharides  86 17.2
Osmolarity mOsm/l  190

Salah satu yang saya dapat dari call beberapa perusahan adalah info dari orang yang 
dulunya 'memegang' fantomalt di nutricia indonesia selama lima tahun (seneng banget 
bisa ngomong pake bahasa indonesia :-))
kata dia : fantomalt itu pada dasarnya adalah karbohidrat. Bisa diminum anak2 juga 
orang dewasa
tapi dia harus dicampurkan dengan susu, nggak dengan minuman lain (tentang ini saya 
belum nemu pernyataan tertulisnya).
Karena anak saya nggak mau minum susu, dia menyarankan sejenis fantomalt tapi bisa 
juga dicampur dengan selain susu yaitu maltodextrin-19. Saya tidak tahu apakah di 
Indonesia produk ini ada atau tidak. Produsennya adalah :
SHS Gesellschaft für klinische Ernährung mbH
Maltodextrin-19 biasanya di jual di apotik. Saya punya nomor telpon bebas pulsa SHS, 
tapi belum sempat menghubungi lagi, apakah produk ini dijual juga di Indonesia. 
Maltodextrin-19 juga adalah maltodextrin.

Tentang Maltodextrin sendiri beberapa saya kutipkan infonya :

dari site FDA saya cuma menemukan bahwa maltodextrin safe. Saya nggak menemukan page 
khusus membahas maltodextrin.

Research abstract salah satu penelitian di Universitas Wegeningen, Belanda:
Maltodextrins are partially hydrolyzed starch products. They have been on the market 
since the first commercial product Frodex 15 (later called Lo-Dex 15) was introduced 
by the American Maize Products Company in 1959 (Alexander, 1992). Starch hydrolysis 
products are commonly characterized by their degree of hydrolysis, expressed as 
dextrose equivalent (DE), which is the percentage of reducing sugar calculated as 
dextrose on dry- weight basis. The Unites States Food and Drug Administration defines 
maltodextrin as (21 CFR paragraph 184.1444): a non-sweet, nutritive saccharide polymer 
that consists of D- glucose units linked primarily by a,-1,4 bonds and that has a DE 
(dextrose equivalent) of less than 20......(disetip)

sumber lain lagi :

Maltodextrin is a creamy white hygroscopic powder, moderately sweet in taste. It is 
produced by partial hydrolysis of starch by a typical total enzyme process using a 
bacterial alpha-amylase followed by refining and spray-drying to a moisture level of 
3% to 5%. Maltodextrin is a mixture of glucose, maltose, oligosaccharides and 

What is Maltodextrin used for?

Infant foods

Maltodextrin is the simplest form of sugar, has a soft mouthfeel and is easily 
digested. This property makes its use extensive in baby foods, feed supplements, 
geriatric foods and foods for convalescents. It is also used as a carrying and 
dispersing agent for flavours and is ideally suited for encapsulation.


Maltodextrin is popular as a flavouring, bodying and drying agent in chocolate drinks, 
flavour powders, special diets, citrus powders and coffee powders, besides others. It 
is also used to replace a portion of protein whipping agent in aerated beverages.

Instant foods

For instant foods, maltodextrin is the perfect carrying agent due to its free 
flexibility, open structure, dispersibility in cold water and ability to maintain 
clarity and eye appeal. It is, therefore, extensively used as a bodying and bulking 
agent in puddings, soups and frozen desserts.

Bakery products

Due to the presence of higher molecular weight saccharides, maltodextrin lends 
mouthfeel and body to fruit products, granola bars, cream type fillings, icings and 
cakes. It is also used as a moisture-holding agent in breads, pastries and meats.

Food industry

Maltodextrin is used in soup powders, concentrates and spices, spice flavour blends, 
cheese sauces, cream sauces, pizza sauces and salad dressings as a bodying agent, 
flavour enhancer, oxygen barrier, colour controller, stabilising and viscosity builder 
and as a spray-drying agent.


Maltodextrin is used extensively in coffee whiteners, imitation sour creams, imitation 
cheeses and whipped toppings.


It is perfect for candy coating and soft-centre candies, for frosting and glazing, for 
nut and snack coating, in lozenges and for binding, plasticising and crystal 
inhibition. In hard candies, it improves the hygroscopic characteristics.


Maltodextrin is used in a variety ofpharma products. It is used in special diets, 
isotonic drinks, alkalisers, etc., as a nutritional supplement, for binding and 
density control and control of dissolving rate. It is also used in tableting, in 
combination with dextrin as a direct compressible vehicle.


Maltodextrin is used as a moisture holding agent in breads and meats for preparing 
non-hygroscopic fondants and as a dispersing agent in instant drink concentrates.


SI. No.
 Standard Specifications

 White to slightly cream powder

 Limpid to slightly opalescent without sediment - up to 40% in hot water

 Enzymatic activity
 Absent - alpha amylase

 5 max


 Dry substance

 Dextrose equivalent

 0.5 max

 Negative - iodine test

 Bulk density

 Microbial limits

 Total bacterial count




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