pengalaman anak saya waktu di mulutnya timbul
putih-putih, dsanya bilang itu adalah jamur,
dan diberi daktarin oral gel. salepnya diolesin
ke mulutnya yang terkena jamur. pagi dan siang
saya olesin, malam hari jamurnya sudah tidak ada lagi.
(salepnya tidak apa-apa kalau tertelan)

maminya Rayhan

-----Original Message-----
From: Daysi Mahargyani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11 April 2002 22:07
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Sariawan

Sariawan pada "bayi" terutama yang masih minum susu (baik ASI maupun susu
formula) dari yang saya baca di itu sebetulnya "jamur"/mukosa
yang muncul karena "sisa" susu di mulut alias mulut tidak bersih namanya
kena "THRUSH", makanya dokter biasanya kasih saran setelah habis minum susu
dikasih minum air putih 2-3 sdt sampai "bersih" su[aya jamur nggak tumbuh.
Coba deh.. apa "sariawan"nya muncul/atau semakin banyak karena itu. Dan
biasanya jamur yang putih-putih itu kalau diusap "paksa" untuk dihilangkan
akan meninggalkan warna yang lebih merah di bibir atau dinding mulutnya.

Anak saya dulu juga begitu waktu umur 2 bulan. Dan oleh dokternya diberikan
Mycostatin drop,beberapa hari langsung sembuh. Diusahakan diteteskan di
lidahnya/atau dekat jamurnya, jangan  langsung ditelan si bayi kalau bisa
semakin lama di"emut" atau dikulum sama si kecil obatnya makanya jamurnya
akan lebih cepat hilang. Oh ya, ada wanti-wanti dari dokter saya waktu itu.
Jangan sampai terlalu banyak memberikan obatnya, nanti kasihan perutnya.

Just info kalau masih menyusu jangan lupa cek ibunya juga, siapa tahu sudah
menular ke puting susunya, maka juga perlu diobati supaya nggak "muter" aja
agak sembuh-sembuh.

Ini artikel dari (disarankan disitu kalau bisa ke dokter aja
supaya treatmentnya tepat, meskipun dia juga memberi tahu jenis obatnya
kalau nggak mau ke dokter)

What is it?
Thrush is a fungal infection in the baby's mouth that can spread to your
breasts, causing your nipples to feel sore and itchy. It is also referred to
as a yeast infection. Other common signs of thrush are:
In the mother:
. cracked nipples
. deep, shooting breast pain during or after feedings
. itchy, red, or burning nipples
. a vaginal yeast infection
In the baby:
. white patches on the inside of the lips and cheek that are not easily
washed off

What causes it?

The fungus Candida albicans causes thrush. Everyone has yeast in his or her
body - it's a normal part of the digestive system. Normally bacteria keep it
in check. But occasionally yeast gets a chance to grow and spread and that
can lead to an infection. Breastfeeding can create the perfect environment
for yeast - it thrives in warm, moist, sugary environments and that's
exactly what your baby's mouth is during nursing.

Eating sugary foods, taking antibiotics, getting inadequate rest, stress,
allergies, and injury to the nipples from poor latch-on can also set the
stage for an infection.

What can I do?

Thrush is one condition you're better off not treating on your own. If you
suspect thrush, contact your healthcare provider for diagnosis and
treatment. She'll probably prescribe an antifungal medication. Thrush can
take up to a few weeks to cure, and you and your baby need to be treated

In the meantime, wash all toys, pacifiers, and breast pump parts in boiling
water after each use, to avoid re-infecting yourself or your baby. For the
same reason, wash your hands frequently, especially after feedings. You may
want to add lactobacillus acidophilus (available in pill form or in
acidophilus yogurt) to your diet to re-colonize your digestive tract with
the friendly bacteria that keep yeast in check.

If you want to try alternative therapies before seeing a doctor, some
lactation consultants and nursing-friendly physicians recommend applying the
dye gentian violet once a day for four to seven days to your nipples. You
can also try applying an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream such as Lotrimin
AF on your nipples after every - or every other - feeding for a week. But if
pain continues, call the doctor.

To ease any deep breast pain, you may want to take 400 - 600 mgs of
ibuprofen every six hours (maximum of 1,200 mgs over 24 hours) until the
worst is over and your treatment begins working.

Will it affect my baby?

If you have Candida or a fungal infection on your nipples, chances are your
baby has it, too, even if you can't see any telltale white spots. She needs
treatment just as much as you do - and at the same time, or you may pass the
infection back and forth and never heal.

A baby with thrush may be fussier than usual during feeding, or reluctant to
nurse because of mouth tenderness. Most babies, however, may not be bothered
at all.

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