
bpython is a bit unstable and crash-prone but I prefer it over Ipython.

On Sat, Feb 6, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Jeffrey Jose <jeffjosej...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [ caution, huge email follows ]
> Hey Senthil,
> I was under the impression that everyone here used and loved IPython. Boy,
> was I wrong.
> I wont attempt to convince you folks why you should use IPython, but here a
> few features that I love in IPython which are not there (or not  very
> obvious) in vanilla python interpreter.
> note: I'm using ">>" for prompt, you can always customize your IPython
> interpreter.
> *Tab completion*. I cant live without it.

bpython supports tab-completion

> >> import sys
> >> sy<TAB>
> >> sys.<TAB>
> sys.foo sys.bar sys.baz
> >> sys.getsi<TAB>
> >> sys.getsizeof
> *Documentation* and *Function Signature*

bpython supports these features

> >> sys.getsizeof?
> *Type*:             builtin_function_or_method
> *Base Class*:  <type 'builtin_function_or_method'>
> *String Form*:  <built-in function getsizeof>
> *Namespace*:   Interactive
> *Docstring*:
>     getsizeof(object, default) -> int
>     Return the size of object in bytes
> *Source Code*
> >> import multiprocessing
> >> multiprocessing.os?
> *[Doc, Function Signature etc]*
> >> multiprocessing.os??
> *[opens the source code if you wanna browse around]*
> Those are the top 3 things that I love about IPython interpreter. And ever
> since I found them, I haven't gone back to vanilla python interpreter.
> Senthil wrote,
> * I am really not sure as how using IPython from pdb can help during
> debugging? I tried it, I loose all the pdb's capabilities when I enter into
> the IPython shell. How do people normally use it?
> *
> Yes, you're right. You loose all capabilities of pdb when you're in IPython
> (there's a solution, i'll get to that later)
> Here's my typical IPython from pdb session for debugging.
> 1. Insert import pdb;pdb.set_trace() the place where I suspect the problem
> is. Assume the very next line throws a huge error.
> 2. Run the code, drop into pdb
> 3. Invoke IPython from pdb
> >> whos
> # Shows all the variables in the current context
> 4. Poke around a lil bit, see what's the values of variables are, etc etc.
> Pretty normal stuff. Couple this with IPython's excellent introspective
> power you can rip apart and dig each and everything.
> >> import more_modules
> >> try_different_things(); try_different_logic();
> 5. Execute the "next line" and expect it to throw the error. See the error,
> if you want, retry the same line, try different arguments. Note: You havent
> progressed a line at all, you're just trying out stuff at this moment
> 6. Once you're done your bit, you *get out of IPython. Cntrl-D*
> 7*. *Back in pdb, use all of pdb's power. Step in, Execute next line, set
> more breakpoints, etc etc
> 8. Hit "c" to proceed to next breakpoint.
> 9. Repeat Steps 3 -> 8
> I've never had to use print statements for debugging ever since I found
> pdb.
> With print, you can print only a couple of variables, with IPython (pdb
> actually) you have access to the entire namespace. IPython just makes
> working with the huge namespace a breeze.
> If you arent bored already, I'll explain a unique (weird ?) way I write
> code
> these days.
> Normally, we have 2 windows open. One python interpreter and your fav text
> editor. You try out stuff before to type it in your text editor.
> Here's a different approach.
> Step 1: Start coding before you even try out a single bit on python
> interpreter.
> # myCode.py
> import re
> regex = re.compile(r'^b')
> myList = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
> for item in myList:
>   import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
> Step 2. Drop into pdb and then to IPython
> Step 3. Try out your stuff *here*. You dont have to setup *myList*, *item,
> regex *etc. You have everything ready waiting for you.
> Step 4:
> >> item
> *'foo'*
> >> regex
> *<_sre.SRE_Patten object at 0x123123>*
> >> regex.<TAB>
> >> regex.mat<TAB>
> >> regex.match?
> *[read, find what it is, nope .. not what I wanted]*
> >> regex.<TAB>
> >> regex.sea<TAB>
> >> regex.search?
> *[ah ha!]*
> >> regex.search(item)
> >> Cntrl-D
> (pdb) c
> >> regex.search(item)
> *<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x123123>*
> *# phew, my re pattern works, awesome. I didnt have to setup dummy values
> and then try it out etc.*
> *# If re pattern didnt work the first time, I can make a new re patten and
> try it out here. Again, I am not dealing with dummy values, but its the
> actual values from the code -- foo, bar, baz (think if you're reading from
> a
> file, querying database etc.) work with real values, not dummy*
> *# Again, not knowing whether it is regex.search or regex.match to use
> didnt
> stop you from starting to code.*
> *
> *I call it breakpoint induced coding. Extremely helpful when you're
> modifying someone else's code and you have no idea wht the heck all the
> code
> before this was doing. Insert a breakpoint (at the potential place you'd
> edit/add code) and start from there.
> # someonesCode.py
> import m1, m2, m3;
> call_function_1()
> call_function_2()
> do_extreme_stuff()
> call_another_setof_functions()
> def do_extreme_stuff():
>  s1
>  s2
>  potential_bug
>  s3
> Step 1.
> s1
> s2
> *import pdb;pdb.set_trace()*
> potential_bug
> s3
> Step 2: pdb -> IPython
> >> whos
> * #see what the variables are, what's the status of the program right now
> etc*
> >> try_a_much_better_approach()
> >> make_sure_it_works_and_doesnt_break_anything()
> Step 3: Go back to text editor and put in your stuff there.
> Step 4: Peace.
> If you're still reading, hope I havent confused you.
> Jeff
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