Hello H,

Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 9:36:16 AM, you wrote:

Ceuk kuring mah teu riweuh, biasa wae heu.....
Cik bade naros, ari ideologi numutkeun akang naon tah hartina ?

> Rada riweuh Islam disajajarkeun jeung Komunisme/Atheis,
>  Kapitalisme/Sekularisme....jrrd...
>  Ideologi mah ngan aspirasi Manusa...handai...kaleci apu..ari Islam mah Wahyu
>  Illahi...ceuk..sayah........
>  The works of George Walford
>  <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Walford>and Harold
>  Walsby <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Walsby>, done under the heading
>  of systematic ideology
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systematic_ideology>,
>  are attempts to explore the relationships between ideology and social
>  systems.
>  David W. Minar describes six different ways in which the word "ideology" has
>  been used:
>  1. As a collection of certain ideas with certain kinds of *content*,
>  usually normative;
>  2. As the *form or internal logical structure* that ideas have within a
>  set;
>  3. By the role in which ideas play in *human-social interaction*;
>  4. By the role that ideas play in the *structure of an organization*;
>  5. As meaning, whose purpose is *persuasion*; and
>  6. As the *locus* of social interaction, possibly.
>  For Willard A. Mullins, an ideology is composed of four basic
>  characteristics:
>  1. it must have power over cognitions;
>  2. it must be capable of guiding one's evaluations;
>  3. it must provide guidance towards action;
>  4. and, as stated above, must be logically coherent.
>  Mullins emphasizes that an ideology should be contrasted with the related
>  (but different) issues of *utopia* and *historical myth*.
>  The German philosopher Christian
>  Duncker<http://www.ideologieforschung.de/en>called for a "critical
>  reflection of the ideology concept" (2006). In his
>  work, he strove to bring the concept of ideology into the foreground, as
>  well as the closely connected concerns of
>  epistemology<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemology>and history. In
>  this work, the term ideology is defined in terms of a system
>  of presentations that explicitly or implicitly claim to absolute truth.
>  Though the word "ideology" is most often found in political discourse, there
>  are many different kinds of ideology:
>  political<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political>,
>  social <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social>,
>  epistemological<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemology>,
>  ethical <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethics>, and so on.
>  On 6/30/08, gusaeni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >> Leres pisan Islam Mangrupikeun Ideologi.
 >> Ideologi nyaeta pamikiran anu mendasar (Aqidah Aqliyah) anu tina
 >> pamikiran eta mancerkeun aturan.
 >> Tah 3 ideologi anu disebutkeun ku kuring asup kana definisi eta.
 >> Dasar ideologi :
 >> 1. Komunis/Komunisme, Atheis.
 >> Conto nagara : RRC, Uni Soviet(tos runtuh).
 >> 2. Sekularisme/kapitalisme, misahkeun agama jeung nagara, hartina agama
 >> diaku tapi
 >> keur urusan kanagaraan teu meunang aya campur tangan agama
 >> Conto Nagara : USA,Perancis, Ingrris, Indonesia jrrd (Loba Pisan
 >> ieu mah)
 >> 3. Islam, agama diaku tur dijalankeun dina kahirupan bernagara.
 >> Conto nagara : Daulah Khilafah Islam (Ti jaman Nabi SAW - 1924),
 >> Dugi ka danget ayeuna can aya deui nagara anu nganut ideologi Islam.
 >> Aturan anu aya (terpancar) di dasarkeun kana dasar eta.
 >> wassalam
 >> -gusaeni-
 >> >
 >> > " .........Ideologi didunya ieu kabagi tilu nyaeta,
 >> > Kapitalisme(sekularisme),
 >> >> Sosialisme(Komunisme), *Islam..............'*
 >> >
 >> > Islam..ideologi ?
 >> >
 >> > **
 >> >
 >> > On 6/30/08, Waluya <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <waluya2006%40yahoo.co.id>>
 >> wrote:
 >> >>
 >> >> > gusaeni :
 >> >> > Ideologi didunya ieu kabagi tilu nyaeta, Kapitalisme(sekularisme),
 >> >> > Sosialisme(Komunisme), Islam.
 >> >> > Ideologi didunya ayeuna anu diterapkeun ku nagara ngan aya dua nyaeta
 >> >> > Kapitalisme(Sekuarisme) jeung Sosialisme, ....
 >> >>
 >> >> Punten ah kapitalismeu jeung sekulerismeu benten, Kang. Sekuler mah
 >> hartina
 >> >>
 >> >> misahkeun urusan agama jeung urusan nagara, ari kapitalismeu mah
 >> urusanana
 >> >> jeung modal/ duit ......
 >> >>
 >> >> Baktos,
 >> >> WALUYA

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