Nuhun Kang D,

Kuring salah, sabage studi/disiplin elmu moderen mah geologi mucunghul
abad ka 18 lain 19. Studi morfologi bumi James Hutton tea.

Kabehditu na geologi ge geus aya, ngan lain disiplin elmu. Plato,
Socrates jeung filosof Yunani, malah mah ceuk cenah di jaman Mesir
kuno ge geus aya geologi, ngan sacara elmu pangaweruh mah can nepi,
cenah ketah! ;))

Anu jadi kapanasarn kuring mah... IRAHA istilah amparan (dataran)
Sunda mimiti dipake jeung ku saha?

Sugan aya nu apal?



--- In, "Dian Nugraha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 2008/7/10 Rahman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> ...............
> >
> > Perkara istilah hamparan Sunda jeung Sahul, moal salah ieu teh istilah
> > anyar. Elmu geologi mucunghul paling awal abad 19! Saha anu mimiti
> > make ieu istilah, duka teuing. Ngan mun nyusud asal usul kaelmuan
> > moderen mah, siga na ieu istilah ge ANYAR keneh.
> >
> .............
> Some modern scholars, such as Fielding H. Garrison, are of the opinion
> that modern geology began in the Muslim world.[25] Abu al-Rayhan
> al-Biruni (973-1048 AD) was one of the earliest Muslim geologists. He
> wrote the following on the geology of India:
>     "But if you see the soil of India with your own eyes and meditate
> on its nature, if you consider the rounded stones found in earth
> however deeply you dig, stones that are huge near the mountains and
> where the rivers have a violent current: stones that are of smaller
> size at a greater distance from the mountains and where the streams
> flow more slowly: stones that appear pulverised in the shape of sand
> where the streams begin to stagnate near their mouths and near the sea
> - if you consider all this you can scarcely help thinking that India
> was once a sea, which by degrees has been filled up by the alluvium of
> the streams."[5]
> ...............
> ---
> Dian.

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