Thank you very much for all these very valuable infos, David!
   Besides the abnormally deep bowl (which evidently was a problem for
   Herrn Hoffmann too), I wonder why a 14-course lute.
   1. As far as I know this is then an "unicum": no other 14-course
   (German baroque) lute exists.
   2. It doesn't seem to be a German Theorbo (I mean the one with the
   first course in d), otherwise it would have a 14th course in "FF" -
   even lower than the 14th course of an Italian chitarrone (GG) and
   possibly not very resonant on that string length, even with such a deep
   3. As Robert Grossman in his dissertation on the Bach BWV 995 recalls,
   this could be a sort of proof that lutes extending to the contra-G
   existed, but in that case why is this an unicum?
   And why J. S. Bach would have prepared his "Pièces à Mr. Schouster"
   (apparently an editor, possibly preparing a printed edition) with a
   lute extension in mind that was very rare?
   Judging about the ample literature dedicated to this "riddle", it looks
   like it still is an open issue...
   ---- On lun, 12 feb 2018 22:57:26 +0100 David Van Edwards
   <> wrote ----

   I measured it many years ago.
   handwritten label: Joh: Christ: Hoffmann //
   Königl. Poln: und Churfl. // Sächs. Jnstrument //
   und Lautenmacher. // Leipzig, 1720. //. plus a
   repair label by Hoffmann dated 1732 Therefore
   conceivable that the swan neck was added then,
   but Hoffmann is usually specific about his
   modifications with labels saying renoviert or
   14 Courses 2 x 1, 6 x 2 + 6 x 2 @777mm and 1159mm
   13 ribs of birdseye maple with 1mm ebony strips between
   Triple rose diameters 63 & 75 332mm from the bottom.
   Unsually deep body. Pegbox decorated with
   carvings at the sides and the rear. Present belly
   by Hans Jordan of Markneukirchen in 1953; but
   based on the original which still survives in a
   cardboard box in the museum.
   A huge German baroque lute with very beautifully
   carved pegbox, fits Baron's description of a
   "deep sack like shape" which he disliked..
   According to Hans Jordan's notes there used to be
   another handwritten label, now missing, which
   �Dieser Corpus wurde von mir auf inständiges
   Begehren des Herrn Lic. Warlitzen als erstem Besitzer
   des Instrumentes so groß und hoch verfertigt."
   "Upon the urgent request of Mr. Lic[entiat] Warlitz as the first
   owner of this instrument, I have made its body so large
   and high."
   Better pictures and some details on the MIMO site
   The museum have a drawing.
   Best wishes,
   At 22:18 +0100 12/2/18, Mathias Rösel wrote:
   >In the video, Sven tells the kid that it is a lute built in 1727.
   >-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
   >Von: [2]
   [mailto:[3]] Im Auftrag
   >von Luca Manassero
   >Gesendet: Montag, 12. Februar 2018 19:07
   >An: baroque-lute
   >Betreff: [BAROQUE-LUTE] Johann Christian Hoffman n, 14 course
   swan-neck lute
   >in Leipzing
   > Dear common wisdom,
   > a couple of years ago I stumbled upon the Leipzig Museum website,
   > planned to visit their Hoffman exhibition (but had to pass on it,
   > unfortunately) - then one day realized that the pictured Hoffmann
   > swan-neck lute they recently acquired (2012, says the YouTube video)
   > mounts 14 courses: 8 fretted and 6 at the second pegbox (2x1, 6x2,
   > 6x2).
   > See [1][4] it's
   > first instrument pictured under Johann Christian Hoffmann' section on
   > the page.
   > It's a really strange instrument with an incredibly deep body (it
   > be uneasy to hold, or at least it looks so).
   > I'm sure the book about Hoffmann they sell
   > offmann.html) has all the measures about that instrument, but that
   > is really kind of expensive. The Museum's website doesn't talk about
   > string length and date on this lute (I do read German and couldn't
   > the infos anywhere on the website)
   > The YouTube video on the same page shows a German lutenist (Sven
   > Schwannberger, I think) playing a swan-neck lute, which is of course
   > not the original Hoffmann lute, as it shows 13 courses, as usual.
   > Anybody out there who has more details about it?
   > Thanks a lot,
   > Luca
   > --
   > 1. [6]
   > 2.
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