Dear Howard,

   You are absolutely right, we need constantly to remember that.

   At the conclusion of a piece I wrote about the timber trade for
   lutemakers I put the following totally unscientific guesstimate. This
   is in the context of just 826 surviving lutes of all periods including
   a lot of late mandoras and baroque lutes which fall outside my

   The numbers of lutes produced must have been quite staggering when we
   consider that just a one day snapshot of Laux Maler's workshop shows
   over a thousand lutes and a similar snapshot shows 376 Moises
   Tiefembruker lutes.  And these are only two of dozens of workshops
   producing lutes for at least 150 years. One would have to make far too
   many assumptions to calculate anything like a reliable figure. But if I
   just offer a totally unreliable 'back of envelope' calculation using
   fairly conservative figures of 25 workshops producing 300 lutes per
   year over 150 years that makes 1,125,000 lutes. The same proportion of
   yew lutes as have survived gives 292,207 yew lutes with, say 25 ribs,
   that makes well over 7 million yew lute ribs.

   The depredations of the arms trade and the lutemakers mean that there
   are now no significant stands of yew in the whole of Europe and it is a
   protected species over much of the continent.

   Best wishes,


   At 22:30 -0800 14/2/18, howard posner wrote:

     > On Feb 13, 2018, at 3:38 AM, Luca Manassero <>
     >  this could be a sort of proof that lutes extending to the
     >   existed, but in that case why is this an unicum?
     Because all the other 14-course lutes were lost in fires, or eaten
     by termites, or rotted in damp basements, or, if they were built
     like the Hoffman instrument we've been talking about, were converted
     into soup kettles or small boats?
     We all know that surviving lutes are a fossil record-a tiny remnant
     of the instruments that were built and played in their day-but we
     constantly forget it and fall into the trap of assuming that what
     survives in that record is an indication of the numbers that existed
     three centuries ago.  It's possible that there was only one
     14-course German baroque ever, but far more likely that there were
     others that have perished over time.
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   6 Whitwell Road,
   Norwich,  NR1 4HB

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