Micha Bayer wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> I seem to remember having the same problem with another webapp under
> Tomcat some time ago. Have a look at
> http://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/OutOfMemory. There it says:
> "A webapp that uses lots of libraries with many dependencies, or a
> server maintaining lots of webapps could exhauste the JVM PermGen space.
> This space is where the VM stores the classes and methods data. In those
> cases, the fix is to increase this size. The Sun VM has the flag
> -XX:MaxPermSize that allows to set its size (the default value is 64M)"
>>From what I remember I added that flag into the Tomcat startup script
> and that sorted it. Give it a try. Setting the max heap size with -Xmax
> is not enough anyway.

We had the same issue with a server running multiple BASE applications.

It is possible to set the JVM parameters in the CATALINA_OPTS 
environment variable.


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