> let $content := //MessageHeader
> return $content

You could try to directly address the database in your query:

let $content := db:open('DDEX')//MessageHeader
return $content

Does this help?

> I've got basex set up using jetty and can query within the firefox browser
> to return data for example using the url
> http://localhost:8080/rest/DDEX?query=//MessageHeader
> however my equivalent oxygen xquery does not return data and rather
> continues to run not stopping
> I've recently downloaded the jars and configured the Data Source Drivers as
> per the http://docs.basex.org/wiki/Integrating_oXygen
> file:/mnt/xslt_volume/i4EnrichV7/analysis/resources/libs/basex-xqj-1.2.3.jar
> file:/mnt/xslt_volume/i4EnrichV7/analysis/resources/libs/xqj-api-1.0.jar
> file:/mnt/xslt_volume/i4EnrichV7/analysis/resources/libs/xqj2-0.1.0.jar
> In the basex  connection which is enabled I've got the following settings
> port                      8080
> databaseName    DDEX
> logLevel
> description
> loginTimeout        6000
> serverName         localhost
> user                     admin
> password             admin
> I
>  set up a trasformation scenario with  BaseX transformer with the following
> xquery
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