Hi Charles,

I downloaded those.

I'm starting fresh here this morning downloading the
http://files.basex.org/releases/7.3/BaseX73.zip which I unzip in a folder,
launch the gui and create a db with 3 xml files, close the gui and launch
the server

Secondly I downloaded the http://xqj.net/basex/basex-xqj-1.2.3.zip and I've
unzipped the 3 required jars into /opt/Oxygen XML Editor 14/lib/ and start

 I configure the basex data source in oxygen and run an xquery. The first
error message I get is
E [BaseX] Provider com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxInputFactory not found.

I resolve this error by downloading
/opt/Oxygen XML Editor 14/lib/  folder and run the xquery again and
get the following error

Engine name: BaseX
Severity: error
Description: org/codehaus/stax2/XMLInputFactory2

I run again not changing anything and get the error
Engine name: BaseX
Severity: error
Description: Could not initialize class net.xqj.basex.bin.m

Oddly I restart oxygen run again and get the message that:
E [BaseX] XQuery API for Java(XQJ) libraries are not present in
file:/opt/Oxygen XML Editor 14/lib/ directory. Please check the XQuery
section from the user manual for instructions.

And yet they are there in the folder and listed in the data source as

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?

On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 5:57 AM, Charles Foster <char...@cfoster.net> wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> Have you tried using BaseX XQJ 1.2.3 [1]?
> I suggest downloading the zip file on the xqj.net site and giving Oxygen all 
> of the jars contained within the zip.
> The XQDataSource class you will need to use within Oxygen is 
> "net.xqj.basex.BaseXXQDataSource", if you have further problems, please let 
> me know.
> Regards,
> Charles
> [1] http://xqj.net/basex
> > Hi Michael,
> >
> > I'm seeing that I was doing things in a way that probably was not >
> recommended.
> >
> > I had:
> >
> > 1. installed jetty sudo yum install jetty > 2. downloaded the war file
> to /usr/share/jetty/webapps/BaseX73.war > 3. Create context xml here
> /usr/share/jetty/contexts/contexts/BaseX73.xml > 4. started the server cd
> /usr/share/jetty/ and java -jar start.jar
> >
> > This gave me access through at 8080 and I've been loading data using
> curl > calls without issue. I had been using the jar file standalone and so
> I > thought using the war file in a similar way would be fine. I suppose it
> > might but I could not connect using oxygen this way.
> >
> > I've since changed my approach to using the complete basex distribution
> > although I've run into a few other issues. I suppose the first was that >
> oxygen was asking for woodstox-core jars so I downloaded those and added >
> them to the lib directory. Secondly the complete distribution doesn't come
> > with the basex-xqj-0.9.2.jar so I've put that into the lib with the other
> > jars, it makes me wonder though if the instructions "Add the following
> JAR > files above with the *Add* Button: xqj-api-1.0.jar, xqj2-0.0.1.jar
> and > basex-xqj-0.9.2.jar (the version names of the JAR file may differ) "
> are > accurate give only the first 2 files are included in the zip.
> >
> > Finally now I'm getting an error "Description: Could not initialize
> class > net.xqj.basex.bin.m" I'm not sure how to resolve this one although
> I > assume I'm missing something.
> >
> > I've started the server using the gui, loaded files into a db and used
> the > gui server administration interface to start the server.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> >
> > Thanks Much > Alex


Alex G. Muir
Software Engineering Consultant
Linkedin Profile : http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/alex-muir/36/ab7/125
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