
You can also simple get all the request headers using the -v flag when
running curl. Or you could use wireshark, which (at least to me) seems
easier than using tcpdump.

I'd like to reproduce your problem, but I seem to be too stupid to get
the Tika server up and running.
When running
  java -jar tika-app-1.4.jar -s 9999

(or even with the verbose flag) I simply don't get any thing (but a
running process) and the server seems to me not properly started, e.g.
if I do
  curl -X GET http://localhost:9998/tika

I simply get nothing (I don't get any response, servers seems not to
send any response).

However, I would suggest to try to look at the request sent by curl, as
curl sets some headers automatically and I also experienced similar
problems before (i.e. for some servers not setting some obscure headers
seems to be fatal...)


On 05/01/14 15:00, Florent Georges wrote:
> On 5 January 2014 00:57, Andy Bunce wrote:
>   Hi,
>> curl -X PUT -T aa.pdf http://localhost:9998/tika
>> [...]
>> I have tried:
>> let $file:="C:\tmp\aa.pdf"
>> let $request :=
>>   <http:request  method='PUT'    >
>>     <http:body media-type="application/octet-stream">{
>>       fetch:binary($file)
>>     }</http:body>
>>     </http:request>
>   I do not know Tika, I do not have BaseX on this machine, and you did
> not give a lot of details about what is not working nor error messages,
> so it is a bit difficult to help here.  All I can say is that I would
> use the following as the EXPath HTTP Client equivalent to the above
> CURL command:
>     <http:request method="put">
>        <http:body media-type="application/pdf" src="file:/c:/tmp/aa.pdf"/>
>     </http:request>
>   The @media-type is mandatory.  You do not set any explicitly with
> CURL, so you should probably find which MIME type works with CURL in
> the first place.  The @src lets the processor handle the details of
> accessing the binary file, which makes things easier and then you are
> sure the problem is not with fetch:binary() or with the analysis of
> the binary content of http:body.
>   If you find a MIME type that works with CURL (you can use the -H
> option like the following: -H "Content-Type: application/pdf"), and it
> is still failing, tcpdump can help as well.  Open a terminal window,
> and execute the following:
>     sudo tcpdump -s 0 -A -i any tcp and host localhost and port 9998
>   This will dump all traffic to localhost:9998.  Then go to another
> terminal window (because tcpdump is still running) and execute the
> CURL command.  After the completion, go back to the first window and
> press Ctrl-C (to kill tcpdump).  In between, tcpdump has output to the
> console a dump of the request.  It will as well if you keep it running
> when you test your query in BaseX.  So you can compare both requests
> and see what is different (or post it here so we can see what is
> happening).
>   Regards,

Dirk Kirsten, BaseX GmbH, http://basex.org
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