On 5 January 2014 16:39, Dirk Kirsten wrote:

> However, I would suggest to try to look at the request sent by curl,
> as curl sets some headers automatically and I also experienced
> similar problems before (i.e. for some servers not setting some
> obscure headers seems to be fatal...)

  If it is of any help, here is what I got with tcpdump, by using a
random PDF file (I did not install Tika, but sent the request to a
server of mine; the request sent by CURL should be the same though):

    PUT /tools/dump HTTP/1.1
    User-Agent: curl/7.30.0
    Host: h2oconsulting.be
    Content-Length: 18108
    Expect: 100-continue

    1 0 obj
    ... [the rest of the PDF content] ...


Florent Georges
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