Some time ago, Charles Foster had the idea that all bound variables
should be added to the stack trace whenever an error occurs [1]; would
that be helpful? Before implementing this, however, we would need to
think of various issues related to performance (try/catch statements
will get slower when variables are bound to the stack every time;
large XML snippets that will not be garbage-colected when being bound
to an error; database references are not available anymore when an
error is raised, etc.).


On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 9:39 PM, Andy Bunce <> wrote:
> Hi France,
> I think this is not possible, but I think it would be a good thing!
> I think it is related to Marc's query about
> call an anonymous function with a variable argument list [1]
> XQuery provides no access to the stack.
> But..I can see that one could implement a new function maybe in the BaseX
> profiling module [2] that returns a map.
> The keys would be the argument names of the function being executed and the
> values those of the current arguments.
> All that is required is to implement it :-)
> /Andy
> [1]
> [2]
> On 18 August 2014 18:14, France Baril <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working on improving our tracking capabilities. I was hoping to find a
>> function that would do the equivalent of what the code bellow does, but for
>> internal functions that are not called through the rest interface.
>> string-join(for $name in request:parameter-names()
>>                  return $name || ':&#32;'
>>                               || string-join(request:parameter($name),
>> ';&#32;'),
>>                  '&#10;')
>> In short, I was wondering if there is way I can read the function's
>> parameters and their values without listing each one explicitly.
>> I searched the documentation without success.
>> --
>> France Baril
>> Architecte documentaire / Documentation architect

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