Matt Rogers wrote:

>> The second solution is more appealing, but I would rather get a
>> working version with what we have got now. Therefore, I will go with
>> the first suggestion.
> We actually have thought about interfacing with Akonadi for data
> storage/caching. If we do that, would we get Nepomuk integration for
> "free" as well?

Just an FYI about this:

I changed how kjots stores data so that it can use Akonadi for access to the 

KJots accesses the notes as Mime documents (KMime::Message objects) from 
Akonadi. Akonadi stores the notes in mime format in maildir containers (one 
note per file). The mime format could also be used to store the images in 
the note directly in the note, but I haven't got around to doing that 
(though there is API for it I think).

The way Akonadi stores the notes is irrelevant to the application. They 
could just as easily be in mbox format (one single file for a group of 
notes). The application just uses the KMime::Message objects that Akonadi 

Even if you don't make basket use Akonadi yet it could make sense to store 
the notes as mime messages and use KMime to (de)serialize them.

All the best,


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