Hi everybody,

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 8:47 PM, Stephen Kelly <steve...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Matt Rogers wrote:
>>> The second solution is more appealing, but I would rather get a
>>> working version with what we have got now. Therefore, I will go with
>>> the first suggestion.
>> We actually have thought about interfacing with Akonadi for data
>> storage/caching. If we do that, would we get Nepomuk integration for
>> "free" as well?
> Just an FYI about this:
> I changed how kjots stores data so that it can use Akonadi for access to the
> notes.

Although I have read all I could find about Nepomuk and Akonadi, I
still don't know what Akonadi does exactly and how it interacts with
Could anyone please help me with that?

> http://dot.kde.org/2010/02/17/kjots-takes-advantage-innovations-kde-
> development-platform
> KJots accesses the notes as Mime documents (KMime::Message objects) from
> Akonadi. Akonadi stores the notes in mime format in maildir containers (one
> note per file). The mime format could also be used to store the images in
> the note directly in the note, but I haven't got around to doing that
> (though there is API for it I think).
> http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2387.html
> The way Akonadi stores the notes is irrelevant to the application. They
> could just as easily be in mbox format (one single file for a group of
> notes). The application just uses the KMime::Message objects that Akonadi
> returns.
> Even if you don't make basket use Akonadi yet it could make sense to store
> the notes as mime messages and use KMime to (de)serialize them.
> All the best,
> Steve.

I hope I found a solution for opening note files with Basket:
Suppose there is a basket in
~/.kde/share/apps/basket/baskets/basket106 which has a note in a file
called note1.html and the metadata in Nepomuk is as following:

$ nepomukcmd query "select ?r where { ?r nie:url
<file:///~/.kde/share/apps/basket/baskets/basket106/note1.html> . }"
Total results: 1
Execution time: 00:00:00.3

$ nepomukcmd query "select ?a where {
<nepomuk:/res/00473b7a-4ac9-4223-b8d3-dee3d24631c1> nie:mimeType ?a .
Total results: 1
Execution time: 00:00:00.1

Now in Nepomuk::SearchRunner::run, we could get the service that
should run this resource and then tell the KRun to use it, like the

QString mimetype = res.property(Nepomuk::Vocabulary::NIE::mimeType).toString();
KService::Ptr preferredService =
KMimeTypeTrader::self()->preferredService( mimetype );

KRun *newApp = new KRun(url, 0);
newApp->setPreferredService( preferredService->desktopEntryName() );

I hope it works without changing anything else.
Sebastian, would you please take a look?


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