On May 4, 2015 09:59:30 PM Gleb Baryshev wrote:
> 03.05.2015 19:55, Robert Charbonneau wrote:
> >
> > Hi Gleb,
> >
> > I'm certainly interested in assisting to finish the port.  Syncing up with 
> > the current library versions seems like the obvious first step.  A few 
> > things about me:
> >
> > - Software developer for 21 years, mostly web (Java/C#/PHP/RoR) but did 
> > some work in the early 2000s in C++/C making standalone build tools and 
> > binaries for an enterprise solution.
> > - Knowledge of Qt probably isn't optimal to be relied heavily upon, but I 
> > have a strong desire to learn.  I'm very interested in giving back to the 
> > KDE community that has provided me with a desktop environment for more than 
> > 15 years.
> > - I use Basket on a daily basis to organize my research plans for projects, 
> > to organize myself (not an easy thing to do) and to keep track of 
> > development dependencies in my own projects.
> >
> > I have cloned the branch on Github but I was having a hard time getting it 
> > to build using QtCreator; quazip headers were not in the include path.  Any 
> > idea on how to resolve this?  Once I can get it built, it's likely that 
> > I'll be fixing bugs in the current port prior to lending assistance with 
> > the remainder of the move to Qt5 as I believe that will provide the best 
> > experience to start.
> >
> > Let me know if you believe I can be useful to you given my experience and 
> > I'll be able to put roughly 15 - 20 hours of work per week on this project 
> > until it's stable.
> >
> > I look forward to working with you!
> >
> Good to know you!
> Regarding the build: quazip dependency is used in pure-Qt5 port made by 
> Keelan. I'm still relying on KDE libs in my port, you can check it out 
> by e.g. 'git clone --branch=kde5port 
> https://github.com/basket-notepads/basket.git'. You'll need KF5 devel 
> packages, including Extra Cmake Modules (ECM). Let me know if you have 
> troubles with cmake - it may be not very smooth compilation yet.
> The approach I'm using is to install Basket in the system first, but 
> then debug locally compiled ./basket binary. (one should remember though 
> that libbasketcommon.so and kcm_basket.so stay in /usr/lib - and update 
> them when changing corresponding code)
> Once you have it in compilable state, just try to hack some part and see 
> how it works out for you.
> Regards,
> Gleb

Hi Gleb,

I managed to get through the CMakeLists.txt deps without too much trouble; 
however, the Git integration is causing some issues, see the following output 
from make:

[ 70%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/basket.dir/application.cpp.o
/home/etriaph/Projects/CPP/basket/src/application.cpp: In constructor 
‘Application::Application(int&, char**)’:
/home/etriaph/Projects/CPP/basket/src/application.cpp:55:26: error: 
‘git_threads_init’ was not declared in this scope
/home/etriaph/Projects/CPP/basket/src/application.cpp: In destructor ‘virtual 
/home/etriaph/Projects/CPP/basket/src/application.cpp:62:30: error: 
‘git_threads_shutdown’ was not declared in this scope
src/CMakeFiles/basket.dir/build.make:100: recipe for target 
'src/CMakeFiles/basket.dir/application.cpp.o' failed
make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/basket.dir/application.cpp.o] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:179: recipe for target 'src/CMakeFiles/basket.dir/all' 
make[1]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/basket.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:127: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

I did a bit of reading and found the following: 

I tried adding git_libgit2_init(); prior to your call to git_threads_init() in 
Application::Application() but I still get this error.  Is there a reason for 
trying to wrap Git on its own instead of using libqgit2 ( 
https://github.com/lgiordani/libqgit2[2] )?  Any assistance you can provide 
would be helpful!


[1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27998122/libgit2-and-qt-error
[2] https://github.com/lgiordani/libqgit2
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